Page 64 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 64

The impact of the school                   Story - 1

              context on its functioning and                      During the day, most of the time, the
                        learning process                     parents spend their time in various

                                                             agricultural labour works leaving their
                                                             wards at home after joining their wards in
                  The elementary education is a
                                                             the available local school. Children at
            foundation to any individual for his
                                                             home likely to be hesitant to attend the
            overall development.
                                                             school if no elder at home guide them to
                  The School at village is not simply a      go. Particularly the small children love to

            cluster of few structures and green patches      enjoy their time with their peer and

            with few plants. It's impact upon the            playthings. Usually they try to escape the

            child's development is incalculable. MPPS        school whenever they have a chance. Many

            Konijarla is the best example for it.            parents come to us for a solution to this
                                                             problem. After a thorough discussion with
                  This success story of a primary
                                                             the parents school found a solution. First
            school of SC colony Konijerla is
                                                             of all, an assigned teacher for the task will
            significantly marked for its innovative
                                                             attend such cases and bring them to the
            mode of functionality in the elementary          school until the kids accustomed to the
            system of education.                             new environment. Another solution

                  The enrolment in 2013 was 75, where        followed is they encouraged the eligible

            as it steeply rose up to 133 by 2019             students to take up entrance exams

            reaching to its optimum level.                   conducted by the Residential schools. A
                                                             considerable number of students availed
                  Behind this great achievement there
                                                             this chance and joined the institutions. The
            is always a relentless hard work by the
                                                             team of teachers guided them with
            team of teachers under the able guidance         print materials and succeeded well. One

            of the head of the institution Pentyala          of the parents who benefitted with this idea
            Govinda Rao and a great deal of support          greatly       relieved        from       the

            of the parents. Parents came forward to          problem described her experience here

            co-operate with the team of teachers for         under. Let us see what she told in her own

            the well being of the institution.               words!

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