Page 59 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 59
Vision & Mission 2. Being Illiterates they can't
support their children in their
"Our Vision is to increase the literacy academics
rate of girls in the community".
School Transformation
"Our mission is to provide a right
platform and opportunities for girls em- Actually the school premises was a
powerment". dumping yard which is not suitable for
construction of R.C.C building, which was
proved by concerned engineers. Then
A. Poor Literacy Rate of Girl's in HYD district collector with the support of
community local MLA, higher officials, HM and staff
B. Lack of Infrastructure and poor of this school initiated for the
school environment construction of eight sheds in the year
C. No parental support
However, the scenario changed with
Reasons for Challenge - A) Poor the efforts of HM, staff and students, girls
Literacy Rate of Girl's in community :
strength increased to 68 in the year
1. Having no security for the girls 2018-19.
because of the illegal activities
in the school surrounding They have taken initiatives for
construction of sheds and other
Reasons for Challenge - B) Lack of infrastructure in the school and installed
Infrastructure and poor school one cc camera in front of the main gate to
environment :
avoid the illegal activities in the school
1. Due to the shifting of school premises for the safety of the school
building, no proper children.
infrastructure and basic
amenities Under the guidance of higher
officials, NGO'S, and stakeholders helped
2. No sufficient funds for to improve the school infrastructure with
construction of buildings till continuous effects. The school students
2018 were divided into four groups with group
Reasons for Challenge - C) No leaders and incharge teachers involved in
parental Support : all activities from prayer to end of the day
1. Majority of the kids are daily to incalculate discipline, good habits and
laborers and their earning is life skills. The continuous efforts of HM
very low to support their and staff here brought a significant change
families in the enrolment of girls.
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 47