Page 62 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 62

•     Smt Devi, mother of two girls                   very active and healthy. She is
                        Spoorthi and Haasini [6th class]                very much concentrated in her

                        has said that she has joined her                studies and she is also interested
                        girls in our school from St.Poius               to attend the school regularly.
                        high school by observing all the          •     Sri Sreenu, local community
                        activities and security of our                  leader has said that the changes

                        school. She said that she is very               brought to the school in this
                        much satisfied about their                      year in all aspects like
                        studies because the learning                    academics, security, health and

                        process here is very free from                  hygiene, discipline of the school
                        stress, her daughters has                       make him very happy about the
                        excelled in all activities.                     improvement of govt. school in

                  •     Smt  Prashanthi SMC chairman                    their locality.
                        had said that her daughter

                        Mounica [8th class EM] is now

                    "Our Vision of increasing the number of girl admission has became possible

              because of the consistent efforts not just by staff but also by the people.
              Everybody were really interested to make a change by creating space to students

              where they feel worthy being in the group/team"

                                                        -  Sundara Sarah Mani, GHS Nallakunta

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