Page 67 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 67

to bring my children along with me.            pretext that persons are not from their

                There the teachers came to know                comminity cooking who are cooking
                everything about the pathetic condition        Midday Meal.
                and pleaded me to think about twice
                about my children before taking such

                extreme step. I said “I am helpless”.
                They convinced me to go back to my

                home. They came to my husband and
                persuaded him in all possible ways and
                seperate the consequences how bad it

                would be if their child is dropped out of
                the school in the middle of the year. It is

                a great relief to me to say that My
                husband respected their words and
                surprisingly convinced by their
                counselling. Now he is completely

                transformed man. And my daughter
                Lavanya is studying Inter 1st Year in

                Minority Residential College at

               Story - 3                                       Story - 4

                     The social disparities are frequently           The school also takes care of
               seen in many rural areas despite the fact       personal hygiene of the students. Every

               that the governments are taking lot of          Saturday is a occasion for personal
               measures to brush them aside.                   hygiene day. The school alarms about the

                     To reduce the gap between                 cleanliness of the hands everyday and a

               community and school, school teacher and        day is fixed for the trimming of nails not
               HM attended functions, took part in their       only for the child but also to the whole

               festivals. They had food with them, they        members of the household! On every
               spent time with them, they mingled with         Saturday, to every house of our school

               them , they shared with them. This made a       habitation, the "mission of trimming of
               lot of impression on the community who          nails" go sincerely. The child of the

               come forward to join their wards who were       household reminds every member of his
               earlier stayed away from the school on the      house about the removal of their nails.

                Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs                                     55
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