Page 71 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 71
Major Challenges in School 2. Students not regular to school
Leadership There is no parental guidance
and support, health issues and
1. Students low performance in strong belief in superstitions.
academics The parents would restrict their
The lack of interest towards children to step out of home the
school and in learning the school in case a person dies in
lessons, time not spent on the community. The poor
revising the classroom notes performance is also the reason
and behavioural issues of for parents to make their kids
students. quit education and are sent to
The school is the place where the students be regular to school. The school
children get the first exposure to the shouldn't confine to textbooks, today
happenings in society, state, country and comes the necessity to train students in all
world. Before designing the curriculum aspects from which they can choose the
for them to study, the schools also must career path of their choice of interest. Apart
take the responsibility to make sure the from it, the understanding of their health
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 59