Page 72 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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and body  is most important for students         times to create awareness about the

            to keep themselves healthy from diseases         instability of their wards. This not only
            at all times. The Telangana Model School         benefited the school in improving its
            and Junior College is one such school that       enrolment and attendance percentage but
            have been incessantly working on the child       also triggered on emotional bonding

            overall development by addressing the            between parents and children, after which
            challenges in line. Here in the total 704        the parents have began to understand the

            students, around 160 students come to            nature of their wards and provided them
            school irregularly.                              the required counselling to change their

                  In an attempt to inculcate discipline      interest towards studies. To improve
            into them, the school took the decision to       students in academics, regular outreach

            conduct enriched assembly. It not only           activities and workshops were conducted
            helped them to be self-governed but also         in the classroom. On understanding the
            gives them some added knowledge                  individual needs a learning plan for each

            through the events scheduled within the          student is designed by teachers. In
            assembly time. On the other hand, as the         addition, performance assesment, phone

            students fall sick most of the days, the         calls, weekly memos are a few strategies
            headmistress in coordination with                taken to make sure the parents keep an
            teachers have introduced health awareness        eye on their children. The school

            programme as part of daily assembly. For         administration is done by using
            it to be more significant, a health expert       technology. The school too encourages
            speaks about the human body and                  students to write their views, thoughts that

            hygiene. In the morning assembly at the          can motivate the students to explore. To
            time when the students remain to be more         achieve it they have introduced the intiative
            focused and active, he educates them about       called 'Scrible it'.

            particular disease, its symptoms and the         Process followed
            preventive measures. On continuation, the

            children are told about organs forming a              In order to help student's remember
            human body and the diet to be followed           what was told in the assembly, the school
            to protect them.                                 maintains a bulletin board on which the

                  Besides all these, the students were       content is displayed in points for students

            prone to bad habits and parents were not         to read that whole day. Reading it becomes
            known about it. In view of it, the school        a revision for students of acquired
            staff interacted with parents for several        knowledge, health tips, etc.

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