Page 74 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 74

Outcome                                         Impact of" HEALTHY ME" (HEALTH

                                                             AWARENESS PROGRAM to reduce
            Change/Transformation  of Prep:
            Results of change/ Impact on students
                                                                  As our district Medak is NO.1 in
                  •     Parents started owning the           India in highest number of deaths due to

                        school after frequent visits to      snake bite our teacher explained the
                        school.                              first-aid to be provided to the victims of

                  •     Students started feeling             the snake bites several times in the

                        confident and actively               assembly. This awareness in our school
                        involving       in     learning      saved a boy of intermediate. At once, the

                        procedures since parents are         boy was bit by snake at the poultry farm.
                        acquainted with Teachers and         As he was aware of the first aid required,
                        school environment.
                                                             he didn't get panic. He tied his leg with
                  •     Parents came to know the             Band and left for hospital immediately. He
                        importance of nurturing them         was later sent to district head quarter
                        with nutrious food and stopped       hospital where he was given anti venom

                        sending them without feeding
                                                             injection and his life was saved.
                        breakfast and showing
                        empathy by understanding their            One more experience of a 9th class
                        growingup changes and                student is when her father was suffering

                        challenges (Teenage anger,           from sharp pain in his chest. All the
                        harmonal imbalance etc.)             family members were in tension and

                  •     Parents started Identifying the      assumed to be heart attack. But the

                        health issues are taken care with    student diagnosed in her own way by
                        timely intervention.                 taking all the symptoms and claimed it as

                  •     Significant improvement in the       acidic pain and given her father first aid,

                        attendance is observed.              took him to hospital which was proved
                        Retention and dropout culture        correct later by the doctors.

                        is reduced.                               These incidents prove that the

                  •     Behavioural issues are               students are doing a splendid job by being
                        corrected upto some extent           attentive to 'Health Me' programme.

                        through parental care.

             62                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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