Page 78 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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• Grow into analytical & critical English medium in the school, after
thinkers. realizing the fact that English Medium is
• Become compassionate & Sen- the only reason for them to shift their wards
sitive leaders. to private schools of English medium. The
school walls were also painted colorfully
Story with attractive images of textbooks
playful learning.
Angadi Kistapur is inhabited with
families of farmers feeding the state. The
moderately settled families wish to offer
their children the best education and they
dream for their bright future learned
scholars. Angadi Kistapur primary school
in Markook Mandal of Siddipet District
was established in 1967. The school
witnessed tremendous response and the
enrollment escalated to 200 at once and
continued to increase in the later years.
But the successfully running school faced
a tough time with the entry of corporate
schools in nearby towns Gajwal and
With the buzz created in village that
the corporate schools are the best
education providers, the parents started
sending their children to corporate schools In contrast to the regular practice of
even though the fee charged is beyond any school, showing attention only on the
their learnings. Thereby the students' class toppers, MPPS Angadi Kistapur gives
strength drastically came down to 20 in special care attention to students who have
the academic year 2014-15. Reacting to the learning disabilities. The student's
major shift of students to corporate performance is intimated to their parents
schools, the teachers of MPPS Angadi and inputs are taken from parents as part
Kistapur, headmaster Omkar T. Radha of parent - teachers meeting which is
Krishna and MEO discussed with being conducted regularly.
villagers and youth about the start of
66 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs