Page 83 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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No private school in the vicinity can couraged children for regularity to school
affect the growth of a government school by giving incentives around four students
when the concerned school authorities won incentives for 100% attendance in the
consistently work for the welfare of the August month, 2019.
students. It was proven by MPPS
Kadipikonda of Warangal (Urban) district, Process followed
as it is the most sought-after school in the
She is able to sustain the success with
village among the existing four private
the help of local community and donors.
schools. The school is now equipped with required
For several years, the school went infrastructure and students are provided
unnoticed due to lack of teachers and with uniform and books. With the
ill-maintenance of the school and support of three teachers, the school is
functioned with a single teacher who is being able to improve the learning and
visually handicap. However, the phase of writing skills of the students. The school
the school underwent a thorough change not only reinforces the children to read
in 2012. Soon after July 2012, once and write but also instill the moral values
deserted school building and playground and ethics. The teachers shower parental
saw the days of fun with children love to make the students comfortable and
frolicking on campus under the create interest to attend school. Teachers
administration of the dynamic Umadevi nurture students to participate and win
Somanchi, SGT. The moment she competitions.
assumed charge as SGT of the school on The school also follows an
4 July 2012, she alone plunged into innovative approach in conduct of school
action. She was shocked to notice that no assembly. During the school assembly, the
student on campus on the school children are asked to sing an English,
reopen day. She then realized that the Telugu rhyme (abhinaya geyalu) a Telugu
students are boarding private school buses. poems - riddles, idioms, sukthi,
So visited every house, requesting podupukatha, math puzzels, GK questions
parents to admit their child to MPPS and one physical exercise.
Kadipikonda. Her ability to convince To ensure the discipline among
parents and the idea of introducing students, the school has a sign board of
English medium has increased student
four themes - Hug, Handshake, High five
enrollment from zero to 104. She also en-
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 71