Page 85 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 85
The Ideal School
Name of the Head Master : S. Prasanna Kumar
School Name : ZPHS Koilsagar, Devarkadra (M)
District : Mahabubnagar
Phone Number : 9885361219
E-Mail ID :
Theme : Leading changes in self and others for improving school culture
Vision instrumental tool in increasing the
percentage of enrolment and attendance.
To encourage students in sports and
also improve the academic standards. In the beginning days, when
Mr. Prasanna Kumar assumed the charge
Story as HM in 2015, the first unusual incidence
he came across was the low attendance
The students engross in sports and
percentage that is below 60% every month.
games when provided with required
Like many headmasters, he with his
resources. Any sport plays a crucial role
teaching staff approached parents and
in the child's development when practiced
requested them to send their wards to
with dedication. It is the responsibility of
school. It was a daily practice to make
the school to encourage students for
phone calls to parents when the child is
participation in sports and games. Here a
absent. The illiterate parents have taken
head master of ZPHS Koilsagar in
this seriously and began to send their
Devarkadra mandal of Mahabubnagar
wards to school on understanding the
district has given more prominence to
importance of education but the impact
sports to bring back students to school who
was not that effective as a few students
used to frolic around in the village
still out of school and playing near their
playing all the time. For him, sports played
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 73