Page 81 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 81
On consultation with parents and
teachers, the headmaster decided to
conduct assessment test for three times to
gauge the improvement of each
student. After the baseline test, two more
in the middle and an end test were
conducted. The school expected an
improvement in learning outcomes and the Written Activity by Group A students
learning pace among students. The
initiative taken up for cultivating interest
towards education happened with the
support from local community. The
parents who work as daily wage labourers
agreed to send their wards to school
regularly after several parent-teacher
The ongoing consistent efforts
helped the school to improve learning
outcomes in more than 30% students of
total 72 children. The conducive
environment provided to students TLM
developed interest in them to come school
daily, to participate in elocution and essay
writing on topics like local festivals. The
transformation in students motivated the
school staff to do much more. With these
transform in school, SMCs and local
community also came forward to make
significant contribution for the
betterment of school and its students.
Classroom activities
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 69