Page 75 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 75

Testimonials :

                •     Previously the                             •    We are passionate

                      children are not                                in       imparting
                      engaged properly,                               innovative teach-

                      irregular         in                            ing.  For better
                      attendance,         not      taking             understanding of

                      responsibility in undertaking some              the concepts we believe in
                      of the works and not                            audio - visual aids and hands on

                      participating in school activities              experience through active

                •     After parental Empowerment                      pedagogy. So we make maximum
                      programme appreciable amount of                 use of digital classes as it is joyful

                      progress have been achieved. Par-               learning for students which helps
                      ents started the understanding de-              them to retain the concepts

                      velopmental needs of the                        forever.
                      children and approaching the                         - K. Nagamani (TGT Social)
                      school and teachers.

                      - Nishanth Kumar (PGT Botany)

               To improve students lowperformance in academics introduced academic

                     To Transform Teaching Learning  process :
                     To transform teaching learning process for more accountability not to waste the
               precious time of classroom transctions academic registers are

                     Everyday class monitors will record the periodwise teaching learning transaction
               details in the table given below :

                                              Name of the        Concept / Activity          Homework
                 Day Period       Subject
                                                Teacher                 Taught                  given

                Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs                                     63
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80