Page 69 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 69

are over possessed. All the time during         teachers were assaulted by an axe by the
               the school hours one member of their            parent! The episode took many turns. Even
               family waits outside to take care of his        the police also tried their level best to con-
               presence in the school as he used escape        vince him. After a great deal of persistent

               from school. The irksome business at            trails we at last succeeded in joining the
               some point of time became a head ache to        two girls in KGBV School and the Simham
               the school and to his parents. Simham           brought back to our school!
               dropped out in 3  class!

                     The school is very particular about
               drop outs. No drop out is left uncared. So

               the School took it as a challenge and put              SMC chairman G.Rambabu
               every possible effort to bring the master           Constructing School board pillar
               back to school.SMC chairman involved                             voluntarily
               and tried to convince them. The teacher's

               team tried in all ways. At one moment the

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