Page 66 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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prescribed by the physicians. So the

                                                             parents feel secure about their wards
                                                             though they are away from the home.

                                                             Story - 2

                                                                  The school is a counselling centre
                                                             too. Social and education backwardness
                                                             of the parents sometimes results in dire

                                                             consequences. Like families which are
                                                             effected with addiction of liquor are not
                                                             aware its impact on the individual health

                                                             and family as a whole critical moments
                                                             the child is the victim because the parents

                                                             fight. Eventually the school to the
                                                             responsibility and compromised the
                                                             parents for the welfare of their child and

                                                             convince them and explaing them how a
                                                             child looses everything. After a thorough
                  The parents are well aware to send         counselling many parents understood the

            their wards to school regularly and they         things and start living together.
            also send information of their ward is                Smt.Kota Lakshmi narrates her tragic

            absence at school. If any child is absent        experience in her own words here.
            without any information school, the
                                                                   "My husband
            assigned teacher would go to their house          was a nefarious
            and enquire about the reasons. The school         boozer; he comes fully

            has contact numbers of every parent and           drunk every night and

            it is the responsibility of the father to         tortured mercilessly
            communicate the reason of his child's             before my children. He

            absence.                                          beat me up for no rea-
                                                              son every day. It's a nightmare to me
                  The school is very particular about
                                                              and my children every night. One day
            the health condition of their pupils. If any
                                                              he had beaten me up violently. I couldn't
            child is fallen ill and undergoing treatment,
                                                              bear it and decided to leave him and
            teachers take responsibility of the sick          set out to my parents. I went to school
            child and they administer drugs timely, as

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