Page 61 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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Achievements Inspiring Testimonials
• Admissions in the school • Sri M.Narshimha Reddy shared
increased from 97 to 155 [83 his initiative of constructing
sheds and other infrastructure
girls and 72 boys].
in the school and installed one
• The self confidence of girls has cc camera in front of the main
gate to avoid the illegal
increased so much which was
activities on school premises for
initially missing. the safety of the school
• Parents from the locality are children.
interested to admit their children • Ms. Sujitha S.A biolog shared
many innovative girl-focused
in the school.
activities to increase enrolment
• Most of the girls are coming of the girl students this year to
from private schools to this gain parents confidence about
safety and security of their girls
school for admission.
in the school .
• Self attitude of the girl students • Rajyalakshmi, tenth standard
have changed positively. girl said that, she has joined in
the school in 2012 .She belongs
• All the girl students are
to local bashti area. The school
involving in every aspect of has drastic changes during last
school with more interest. year with infrastructure and
Regularity of the girl students many more activities for girls
about health, psychological
issues, extra curricular activities
• Daily observation of school and sports. She also said that
premises by local basthi people girls are more interested and
confident to share their
and parents, girl strength has
problems with lady teachers
increased to 68 to 83 this year and H.M rather than parents
• Many girls from private schools because H.M is very
supportive. Hence the local
took admission in the school in
parents are interested to join
this year [2019-2020]. their girls in our school.
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 49