Page 60 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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The ambience of the school, extra more on health, hygiene and life skills by
care and protection for the girls and counselling students with the help of
separate toilets attracted parents to take doctors, NGO's, stakeholders and staff.
admission for their girl child. Last year Self defence classes, yoga classes, sports
the school started Balikamunch, a monthly in school were conducted. With the help
programme for girls. In this programme of school staff, SMC, parents, rallies were
girls discuss their psychological, emotional conducted in locality to motivate parents
and health problems. The programme is to send their children [boys and girl] to
needed by a female teacher and supervised the school regularly. These are the efforts
by HM. Girls were given more importance to remove gender discrimination against
in cultural events and festival events girl child.
(Battkuma, rongoli etc ). Focus was given
The school with the help of activities towards girls and boys
NEERMAN organisation with the separately.
coordination of UNICEF observed 'WASH'
programme on girls education. The team Doctors and psychologists from
interacted with the girls about academic Niloufer hospital, took sessions for girls
and co-cirricular activities in the school. and boys separately on health, sanitation
They appreciated the efforts and and other adolescent problems.
48 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs