Page 58 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 58

Light in the Darkness

                 Name of the Head Master : Sundara Sarah Mani

                 School Name                       : GHS Nallakunta, Musheerabad (M)
                 District                          : Hyderabad

                 Phone Number                      : 8500118324

                 E-Mail ID                         :

                  The equity and gender equality in          to GPS Chikkadapally, in the year 2012.
            receiving education has been observed to         Due to shifting lack of accommodation and
            be a significant change across the               class rooms there was drastic collapse of
            state. The first step of education begins        strength [97]. There by the school was
            from school where parents educate their          running in two shifts i.e 8 AM to 12:30

            daughter to become self reliant and              PM GPS Chikkadpally and 12:30 PM to 5
            financially independent. In Telangana            PM GHS Nallakunta. In the year 2013, the
            state KGBV are specifically aimed at             DEO instructed to run the school in

            imparting education and improving the            general      shift     irrespective       of
            living standards of girls. On the other          accommodation. Hence some classes were
            hand, it is also fortunate to witness the        conducted under trees due to lack of class
            Government and Zilla parishad high               rooms.

            schools are also striving hard to improve              GHS Nallakunta is now located in
            the standards of girls in Telangana state.       Wadder basthi which is 2km away from
            Here we tell about one such school which         Osmania University. When it was known

            has been working hard to improve the
            standards of the girls.                          that some illegal activities were taking
                                                             place near to the school premises i.e
             School History                                  preparing and selling alcohol (gudamba)

                  G.H.S Nallakunta was running   in a        and other illegal activities, the local people
            rented building with huge strength. Later        stopped sending their children to school
            because of the pressure from the owner to        especially girl child. So, the literacy rate

            vacate the building, the school was shifted      of girls was very low.

             46                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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