Page 53 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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painted on the school walls. Such activity
has created an environment of peer-to-
peer learning. Children from higher
classes help the children from lower
grades. To attract the private school
children in 2016 Head Mistress introduced
English medium and started digital classes.
With the help of the staff she knocked the
doors of houses who were sending their
children to private schools. As usual the
parents were not ready to send their Teachers encouraged constitution of
children to government school. They a child cabinet with the objective of
raised number of doubts but the teachers creating a platform for students to discuss
explained them the innovative activities and address issues related to education,
being taken at the school such as child sanitation and other activities. Child
cabinets' and co-curricular activities, and cabinets are playing a major role in
assured them such activities will be the involving the students in day to day school
foundation for over all development of activities and creating a sense of
the children. As a result of such efforts responsibility and leadership among them.
nearly 6 students from private school To inculcate the leadership quality among
the children, child committees were
joined in the government school.
formed such as Health- Hygiene
To retain girl children in school committee, School Post Box committee,
special care has been taken by the Head Information Committee, Cultural and
Mistress. She maintains a friendly Games Committee, library committee,
relationship with girls. Thereby they share Honesty box, Wall papers committee, and
each and every aspect with her. MDM committee. In the school they
conduct Bala Sabha every Saturday, where
To overcome the shortage of the committees review the progress made
teaching staff (only three S.G.T), the HM in each week.
guided the staff to prepare Teaching These changes in the school built
Learning Material (TLM) to make the confidence in the children and the
learning processes effective and joyful. villagers too. With such confidence on
Special individual care has been taken by Head Mistress an old student of that school
the staff to improve the learning capacity YASHODA sent a message to H.M that
of the children. In this process the school "Naakii ee pelli estam ledu madam”
got Mandal Level first prize TLM MELA..
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 41