Page 51 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 51
Success is the result of Commitment
and Focused efforts
Name of the Head Master : P. Mahalaxmi
School Name : MPUPS Melacheruvu, Gadwal (M)
District : Jogulamba Gadwal
Phone Number : 8897379626
E-Mail ID :
Theme : 1. School leadership for positive value development, life skills,
citizen building and inculcating attitude towards lifelong learning
among students.
2. Leading innovations in Schools.
Story to pull out their children from private
schools and putting them in the
Melacheruvu- a small village is government school. With gained
located 6 Km from Gadwal, District knowledge every year the school children
headquarters. This case study captures the are able to avail NMMS (National Means
problem of low girl child enrolment and cum Merit Scholarship) and last year two
initiatives were taken by the Head girl children secured seats in Gurukulas
Mistress to address the issue. The and Navodaya Residential School. Most
motivation of the Head Mistress is the of the girls passed out from the school are
point of study and how she managed to now pursuing their T.T.C and B.Ed
increase the enrolment in the school from training.
68 to 142. The girl child enrolment
increased from 39 to 75. Within a short The school started in 1975 as a
time period the school ambience was primary school and upgraded to 7th class
improved with initiatives like well painted in 2007. Though the school is near to
infrastructure, plantation drives and district head quarters the school did not
digital classes. Introducing English me- have sufficient class rooms, toilets,
dium in the school was a game changer compound wall, even drinking water. The
which led some parents in the community school strength was 68 in 2011. When the
new staff arrived on 13th June 2011 and
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 39