Page 54 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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After receiving the message Head proud of her work to educate the girl child.
Mistress spoke to her parents to refrain She emphasises on equality between boys
from getting their daughter married but and girls. The role of social welfare
they were not convinced. So, she took the organisations is critical here as it is not
help of local leaders and succeeded in possible for the government to reach ev-
preventing the child marriage. She has ery nook and corner of the country. As
received an invitation from ACTIONAID the citizens of India we should be aware
(Child Rights Focus- Eliminating Child that we can support organizations which
Marriage in India) to give her voice against work for women empowerment. To put it
the Girl Child Marriage in India. succinctly girl child education is extremely
important and goes a long way in empow-
ering women.
• Enrolment increased from 68 to
• All the school age children are
enrolled in school (No out of
School Children).
By knowing the achievement of this • School ambience changed.
brave lady, Mr. Kailash Sathyarthy (The • HM received an invitation from
Nobel Prize Winner) had appreciated her ACTIONAID (Child Rights
in his visit to Jogulamba Gadwal District. Focus- Eliminating Child
By considering the changes like hand Marriage in India) to give her
wash before and after meal, maintaining voice against the Girl Child
dust bins in each and every classroom for Marriage in India.
both dry and wet garbage, they recycle the • Attendance percentage of the
garbage and use it as a compost, Rain water children increased.
harvesting, Plantation of trees in and • Children are able to discuss and
around school surroundings as a part of address issues related to
Green India Challenge, Toilets for both education, sanitation and other
girls & boys, Computer systems, activities.
conducted a program like "SAVE WATER • Created a sense of
SAVE NATION" and the maintenance of responsibility and leadership
hygiene the school had received SWACCH among the children.
VIDYALAYA PURASKAR in the District • Girls are pursuing higher stud-
Level. Headmistress now acts as a leader ies like T.T.C and B.Ed.
in the community. She says that she is very
42 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs