Page 46 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 46
• On the day of Mathematics Dec • Our Math lab initiative was
22 , Quiz and Rangoli highly appreciated and adopted
competitions were held in which by Sr. CD NTPC. We gave them
our students performed their the estimation of Rs. 30,000/-
creativity of expressing for Math Lab preparation.
different formulae and concepts • As a part of their CSR program,
in maths through various Child Development NTPC
Rangolies. distributed bicycles for the girls
• On 22 Dec TLM Mela was of 8th class impressed by their
conducted in which 50 - 100 active participation in TLM
charts prepared by students and Mela.
teachers were displayed and
received many appreciations
from the officials and the
parents visited.
“My dream of 100% pass percentage in 10 grade was achieved for the first
time in our school and as a Maths teacher, construction of Maths Lab gave me
immense satisfaction”.
- Hariprasad, Govt. HM, ZPHS Potyala
34 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs