Page 44 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 44
concepts we used foam sheets bought
from other town and also used adhesive
paper for coloring.
Concept of Little Teacher :
mentoring teacher. Extra classes were
taken by the teachers to revise the conceps
and clear off their doubts. Snacks were
given to the student during the extra
As majority of the kids have low Parent Counseling sessions:
rigour in academics, it would be extremely
difficult for the teacher to reach out to
every student explaining their doubts. So
we introduced this model of Little teacher
where every high rigour student will be
explaining and teaching subject content to
their friends who are academically poor. Initially it was very tough to
This works like a pro because peer organize counseling sessions to the
sharing would be fun.
parents because of the non-availability of
Teacher Student Mentoring : the parents as majority of them are daily
wage labors. Somehow after much
We believe that "Teachers encourage struggle from the teachers end to bring
minds to think, hands to create and hearts parents became possible through Math Lab
to Love" To boost the morale of the exhibition which built a pressure on
students we allotted 5 students to a single parents by the students for their presence.
teacher so that these students will be Teaching through technology :
mentored by the teacher and the gap
between them will be removed which Visual learning helps for the long
intern helps the students to ask questions term memory of the student. The problem
and get clear explanation from their of Re-iteration was also an issue especially
keeping our 10 graders in mind. We
32 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs