Page 43 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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achievement of 3R.s at all levels. The                2.    Maximum number of students

               ultimate Vision is to save the nature and                   are from low income families,
               make this world a better place”.                            parents can’t find time to attend
                                                                           PTM’s to understand the
                     “In our mission to achieve the vision                 progress of their kids academ-

               we focus mainly on extension of career                      ics as they are daily labours
               guidance to curb the child labor and early

               marriages. Raising the greenery in and           School Transformation
               around the school will be a never ending        Math Lab Initiative :

               effort from our end where we believe that
               Healthy atmosphere creates a learning


                     A.    Less pass percentage in 10      th


                     B.    Lack of Investment from                   As I mentioned above, Maths being
                           Parents                             the most fearful subject to the students,
                                                               the school team had to brainstorm a lot to
               Reasons for Challenge - A) Less pass            find a solution and finally have come up
               percentage :                                    with the Initiative of Math Lab in the

                     1.    Low esteem of the students that     school.

                           affects their confidence level.           Math Lab is a dedicated room in a

                     2.    Peer pressure which affects the     school where all the walls are pasted with
                           large number of students            the charts prepared by students will be
                                                               displayed and some important concepts
                     3.    Fear for academics specifically     like Geometry, Traingles, Formulae and

                           Mathematics.                        Hypothetical concepts are visually

               Reasons for Challenge - B) Lack of              explained here. So to make this happen  it
               Parent Investment :                             took almost 30 days for us. This became
                                                               possible only through the wishful
                     1.    As the students are first

                           generation learners, the            involvement of 30 students and 25
                           illiteracy of the parents no        teachers. All the charts were prepared by
                           where contributes to the study      the students in their sports and leisure
                           time at home.                       periods. To prepare those models of math

                Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs                                     31
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