Page 48 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 48

Challenges                                           The efforts of Head mistress are
                                                             really appreciative as she has to put money
                  A.    Lack of Infrastructure               from her pocket to make sure that the

                  B.    Low enrollment of students           students are reaching school on time and
                                                             they are not missing their classes. The grit
                  C.    Lack of transportation to school
                                                             of the HM maintained throughout this
            Reasons for Challenge - A) Lack of               process is commendable.
            Infrastructure  :                                Colorful and funfilled classrooms :

                  1.    Lack of funds                             Influence of atmosphere and the

                  2.    Being the remote village             surroundings have a greater impact on the
                                                             children learning or the parents mindset.
            Reasons for Challenge - B) Low
            enrollment of students :                         In an environment where children are not
                                                             happy, parents are also not happy as their
                  1.    No parental interest as they are     children  will not be benefitted. So to
                        not educated
                                                             change this perception of government

                  2.    Lack of interest on education        school, we brainstormed and thought a lot
                        from the students end.               and finally we had  fun and coloured
                                                             classrooms  walls where the children
            Reasons for Challenge - C) Lack of               enjoyed and the parents also felt so happy
            transportation to school :                       about this change.

                  1.    No public and private transpor-      3-R's Implementation :
                                                                  This is a programme to help the low
             School Transformation                           performing students to get the skills like
                                                             reading, writing and simple arithmetic. The
                  In the current society any school          existing skills are given a boost which helps
            initiatives that the government brings in        them to strengthen their capacities. This

            negative perception by community because         has been used as one of the most
            of     the    quality      of    education       powerful tool with which we increased
            imparted. The villagers perception towards       the rigor of the students which was
            this government school in Rebbanapalli           evidently visible in their exam.

            village was not that good. The following
            transformation gives you the entire              Revolution through TECHNOLABS :
            picture of the school how it worked as a              In this 21   century where computer
            team and made a difference in changing           literacy is extremely important, we want
            the mindsets of the people.                      all our students not to miss out this

             36                         Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs
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