Page 42 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 42
Math Lab... We have fun
Name of the Head Master : Nalumasu Hariprasad
School Name : ZPHS Potyala, Anthergaon (M)
District : Peddapally
Phone Number : 9704511448
E-Mail ID :
My passion for numbers was never School History
ending and made me finish my post
Just like everything in this universe
graduation in Mathematics. Learning has a starting point, our school serves 8
maths was quiet easy for me but when I villages surrounding Potyala as a starting
see people around me, it was all mystery point to many dreams and a turning point
for them. That’s when I decided to be a to young lives. Many of the dreamers come
teacher to solve the problems not just in from the families whose sole occupation
textbooks but also imparting lessons of is agriculture and many of their parents
work as Daily labor in the fields.
how to face real life problems to my
Unfortunately all our students are
students. Eventually I got promoted as
First Generation Learners. Our school was
Headmaster in this village Potyala. Now
established in 1961 and was approved to
I’m currently serving as a Government
have secondary studies also in the year
headmaster for secondary school from 2000. This village Potyala is located on
past 5 years. the banks of Godavari river in the
Peddapalli district.
Vision & Mission
“Our Vision is to make this school a
100% drop out free school creating an
atmosphere of 0% child labour with the
30 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs