Page 65 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
P. 65
"Smt. Pothuraju
Vijaya mother of two
daughters of this
school happily says,
"Thanks to the
teachers of the school.
Now I am very happy with my two chil-
dren after joining them in Residential
Schools .
Now they are studying 9 and 10 th
class staying in the hostels
securely. We both should work whole
day out for the living. We never felt
secured as long as they were at home.
Now we can work till dusk without any
thought of their security. Though we
come back even after dark now , we have
no anxiety about them. The credit must
go to the teachers who made it possible". The first entry into the school for any
kid is a festive occasion for both parent
The school holds it's school
and child. Keeping this in view, the school
committee meetings only on particular
follows the custom and celebrate the
days whenever the all parents are
occasion . As many as of them are Christian
available. so that they can discuss various
Minorities of the Church Father is invited
issues related to their wards'. They
to solicit the occassion
witness the teacher's ability and the
“Áksharaabhyaasam” {The child’s
learning process of their children. They
spent whole day and thoroughly watch the learning of first alphabet} to respect their
all school activities on the meeting day and feelings. So they feel happy to send their
share their feelings openly and suggest if wards to the school.
Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs 53