Page 68 - School Leadership Stories EM - 01-10 stories.pmd
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Every member in the house seriously nips Book) The first gatherer of the news item
out their nails under the supervision of put brackets to the news item which he
the ward which successfully reported the already noted in his log book.
next day in the assembly of the school. If So that the next successor of the news
any member shows any reluctance the gatherer omits that news item. With this
child takes it very seriously and creates a act, news items are not repeated. There is
sort of hell until the member succumbed an instruction to the students that, no news
to his wish! Lacking any other way to item should be collected if it has any sen-
escape, the member honestly obeys the sitive content.
demand! This programme is going
successfully in each and every home and
parents of the wards adopted it as a part of
their life style.
Nerusula Rajaiah and Venkamma are
the illiterate couple who had five
daughters and only son .They own a herd
of 30 goats for their livelihood. The couple
never bothered about the education of
their children. The first two elder girls grew
without any formal education. Two other
girls were also left for their choice who
Story - 5 are ready to follow their predecessors. The
school took it seriously and persuaded the
News paper reading is a good habit.
parents. After many persistent trails by our
The school inculcated the reading habit teachers the two girls joined the school
among the children even at primary level. and completed their primary
The students routine starts with the education. Yet, they were reluctant to send
collection of news items. They maintain a their children to high school after the
primary education. The only son Nerusula
logbook and gather news from various
Simham joined our school. Then the
sources and write down in the book (which
episode has taken a different angle.
is well-known as SC Colony School News Simham is their only heir apparent so they
56 Transformation of Schools into Vibrant Learning Hubs