Page 14 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 14

Sri. T.N. Sridhar receiving best teacher award from the President of India

                Two Telangana Government Teachers

                     Bag National Best Teacher Award

           he National Awards to Teach-  What made you to select teaching as  What are the Activities you  Students were absent from their
           ers are intended to honour  a profession?          implemented in schools to make  academics or schools during Covid-19.
       Tthose teachers who, through                           teaching-learning process successful?  How did you reach the students then?
       their dedication and commitment,  I chose teaching as a profession be-
       have not only improved the quality  cause of my passion for teaching and  I used various innovative teaching  Students'  learning  had  ceased
       of  school  education  but  also  en-  commitment to service. Since I come  methods  for  classroom  teaching.  throughout the lockdown. To close
       riched the lives of their students.  from a poor household and am aware  Some of them are low-cost concept  this gap, the Kuthuhal programme, a
       They also serve to recognize the dis-  of their challenges, I chose to work  lab,  self-learning  kit  and  joyful  statewide  interactive  online  pro-
       tinctive contributions of some of the  in a rural area and decided to help  learning with self-collected material.  gramme, was developed as a Vacation
       best teachers in the nation.  students who are living in poverty.  I  also  organised  Vidya  Varadhi  Value programme to pique students'
        Two  teachers  from  Telangana,                       program,  where  students  from  interest in science learning and ap-
       Mr. T. N. Sridhar and Mr. Kandala  What is your goal as a Science  different  schools  interacted  and  plication in daily life.
       Ramaiah received  the  prestigious  Teacher?           exchanged  views  and  experiences  I  actively  took  part  in  Vigyan
       award in the year 2022. In conversa-                   with high school students from USA.  Bharti's national experiential learn-
       tion with Edusure, they discussed  My goal is what I call vision-  This  knowledge  sharing  about  the  ing  conference,  where  teachers
       their  enthusiasm  in  receiving  the  2040 where I would mould stu-  educational  system,  topic  matter,  talked about cutting-edge teaching
       award.                      dents in rural government schools  societal  norms,  etc.  gave  students  techniques, challenges, and solutions
                                   in my district into scientists and  more  self-assurance  and  inspired  with the goal of integrating Physics,
            T. N. Sridhar          help at least one of them receive  them to strive hard in life.  Chemistry, and Biology.
                                   a Nobel Prize by that year. Nu-
                                   merous science programmes and
        T. N. Sridhar received the national  activities were organized for the
       award for teachers as a result of his  schools to accomplish this goal.
       passion  and  dedication.  He  main-  With  the  tagline  "Donate  your
       tained the top position because of his  leisure time," I've implemented
       social responsibilities and scientific  creative  classroom  instruction
       temperament.                and  thought-provoking  events
        He is working as School Assistant  across the district through the Pil-
       at ZPHS Yenmangandla, Mahabub-  lalamarri District Science Forum
       nagar district where he assembled his  and Kalam Dream Force Founda-
       own toolkit to create Joyful learning.  tion. My goal is to make my stu-
       According  to  him,  students  learn  dents proud and responsible citi-
       more  outside  than  inside  of  four  zens of India.
                                                                           Sri. T. N. Sridhar a visit to Parliament Bhavan with his students
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