Page 11 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 11

Doble Rushikesh

              oble Rushikesh, a student of
              class IX ZPSS, Echoda (M),
         DAdilabad District in conver-
         sation with Edusure shared opin-
         ions about his project “Redesign of
         Rail Coach for Special Need People
         and Women”.
         What motivated you to make this
         Project?                                            Doble Rushikesh, a student of class VII at MPUPS Pona, Ponna Village,
           At present, Indian Railway’s seat-                Sirikonda Mandal, Adilabad District designed “Redesign of Rail Coach for
         ing berths are not comfortable for                  Special Need People and Women”.
         pregnant women, women travelling
         with kids and the physically chal-                   How did your guide
         lenged. They face a huge difficulty                    teacher help you?
         in getting inside these coaches. I be-
         lieved there was an urgent need to                    I received tremendous
         modify the coaches and thus incor-                   support  from  my  guide
         porated it into my project.                          teacher  Sri.  K.Ramakr-
         What are special features of your  benefit from entrances with ramps.  ishna. He assisted me in
         project?                  It is easy for them get in and out. In  completing the project on
                                   the event of an emergency, such as  time with the desired out-
           People with disabilities, pregnant  an  accident,  these  coaches  can  put. He always encourages
         women, mothers with young chil-  serve as hospitals by changing the  students to think critically
         dren, and those in special needs  berths into very comfortable beds.  and pursue innovation.

         Sailu Sai Shrivalli                                                            will wring the fabric. It requires
                                                                                        less water than the standard wash
             ailu Sai Shrivalli, a student of                                           process.
            class VIII at Sri Chaithanya                                                In what way it is different from
         SHigh School, Mancherial in                                                    other Projects?
         conversation with Edusure shared
         her project “A simple Menstrua-                                                  It uses less water and detergent
         tion Device”.                                                                  than a typical wash procedure. To
                                                                                        reduce drying time, the spinning
         How did this idea come to your
                                                                                        action will wring the fabric. It is
                                                                                        comparable to a washing machine,
          I had the idea to create a washing                                            but unlike a washing machine, my
         kit after observing my sister play-                                            device does not require electricity.
         ing with a spinner. I came up with                                             Not only it is easy to carry and dry,
         an idea to make a device for women                                             but it is also washable.
         to clean their soiled sanitary nap-                                            Who helped you in this project?
         kins without feeling ashamed.
         What motivated you to develop                                                    I have taken the suggestions of
         this kit?                                                                      experts like Prof. B.S. Murthy, Di-
                                                                                        rector, IIT Hyderabad, Smt. Ma-
          The health issues my mother ex-                                               matha,  Swach  Badi  Siddipet  in-
         perienced throughout her period  Sailu Sai Shrivalli, a student of class VIII at Sri Chaithanya High School,  charge, Smt. Deepthi, Cloth Pad
         and my interest in the topic moti-  Mancherial designed “A Simple Menstruation Device”.  Maker, Prof. Ranjith, Metallurgy
         vated me.                                                                      and Material Science, IIT Hyder-
         How it is helpful for girls?  It uses less water and detergent  Can you explain its functioning?   abad, Dr. Muvval Gopinath, Me-
                                   when compared to regular washing  Only two bowls, a basket, and  chanical Engineering Department,
          Many girls skip school during  methods. Not only it is easy to carry  string were utilized for the project.  IIT  Hyderabad  and  Dr.  Harish,
         mensuration  due  to  unbearable  and dry, but it is also washable. I  Spin the apparatus gently to make  Polymer Lab Expert, IIT Hyder-
         pain. My Multipurpose Menstrua-  can say with confidence that my  it spin steadily more by applying  abad.
         tion  Tool  Kit  assists  every  girl  product aids women during their  the principle. It is simple to open
         throughout  her  period,  lessens  menstrual cycle.  and close because we used tape to  Who is your inspiration?
         their discomfort, maintains their  What message you want to give to  join  the  two  bowls.  With  this  My parents are my inspiration.
         safety and cleanliness, and encour-                  straightforward  spinner  which  They are friendly and guided me
         ages regular attendance at school.  girls?           works like a washing machine, we  in this project and supported me
                                     Girls, you don't have to give up  can clean used pads. It's just like  to interact with the women in our
         In what way it is different from  your dreams; you can be empow-  playing a game, really. To reduce  area to know the problems they
         other Menstrual kits?     ered and pursue your goals.  drying time, the spinning action  are facing.

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