Page 12 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 12

Edla Nani                                                           Pothka Deepika

              dla Nani, who is currently a student
              of class IX at ZPHS, Peddavangara,
         EMahabubabad District in conver-
         sation with Edusure shared his project
         “Easy Waste Separating Chopping Board”

         How did the idea to design the project
         come to you?
           My mother was chopping vegetables
         when she became annoyed by house flies
         and mosquitoes trying to swarm the veg-
         etable peels and pieces in the kitchen. I
         came up with a solution since I desired  Edla Nani, a student of class VII at Koripally,
         to live in a safe and secure environment.  Peddavangara (M), Mahabubabad District
         It assisted me in creating this "Easy Waste  designed “Easy Waste Separating Chopping  Pothka Deepika, a student of class VIII - Montessori High
         Separating Chopping Board" project.
                                                    Board”.                 School Alampur, Jogulamba Gadwal District designed
                                                                                         “Scientific Bag”
         In what way it is different from other
                                        Is it Affordable?
                                         It is completely affordable to everyone.  othka Deepika, who is now a student of class X
           It makes it easy to cut and collect veg-  It costs nearly Rs.3000.   at Montessori High School, Alampur, Jogulamba
         etables, and it is easy to carry from one                         PGadwal District in conversation with Edusure
         place to another. It also offers a sustain-  How you are contributing to the  shared her project “Scientific Bag”.
         able method for making it simple to do  development of our country?
         tasks in the kitchen.                                             What is Scientific Bag?
                                         My project decreases the time spent in
         Can you explain how it functions?  the kitchen and the work required for  Scientific Bag is an agriculture bag useful for formers
                                        cleaning, which could be used for other  at the time of heavy rains. It consists of top two layered
           Once the vegetables have been sliced,  useful activities. In this way the produc-  polypropylene bag with high density foam between the
         they can be gathered in the below cup-  tivity of the nation increases. We can also  layers. The last inside layer is of a waterproof high-
         board, which has holes that make it sim-  have clean, neat, safe, healthy and hy-  density polythene of 50+micron thickness.
         ple to collect the vegetables.  gienic kitchens which helps in Swatch
                                        Bharath goals.                     Is its practicality examined?
         Tell us about its features.
                                        How did your guide teacher help you?  Yes. It is tested practically. I submerged the scientific
           By adopting a modern cutting board                              bag and the regular polythene bag in water. The scien-
         project, the effort required to separate  My guide teacher Mr. Prabhakar men-  tific bag continues to float in the water while the regular
         wet waste from kitchen waste will be re-  tored me throughout the project. He in-  polythene bag slowly sinks and absorbs water.
         duced.  During  the  installation  of  the  spires students to think critically and pur-
         kitchen's cabinets, the setup was placed  sue  innovation.  My  project  gave  me  In what way is it different from other shielding
         in the cabinets. The system was set up so  courage and enthusiasm to find more sci-  methods?
         that there is very little space between the  entific solutions. He also encouraged me
         extended floor in use and the setup, and  to observe exhibits of competitors and  Here I used Polypropylene bag, EPF foam Sheets
         it is close to the kitchen.    learn from their methods.          and Polythene cover. Polypropylene bag is normally
                                                                           used by farmers to store their grains.EPF foam Sheets
                                                                           are biodegradable and is easily available in market.
                                                                           Polythene covers are used for water proofing. The Sci-
                                                                           entific Bag keeps floating in the water without letting
                                                                           any water inside. My Scientific Bag (Agriculture Bag),
                                                                           unlike the typical polythene bags used by farmers,
                                                                           floats on water and has water resistance.
                                                                           What are the other features?

                                                                             Scientific Bag is more durable, ecofriendly and effec-

                                                                           How did your guide teacher help you?
                                                                             My guide teacher, Mr.Murali Krishna Mohan, ex-
                                                                           tended tremendous support and guidance throughout
                                                                           the endeavor and helped me access all resource mate-
                                                                           rials required for my project. His approach to teaching
                                                                           and learning is unique. We are always told to experi-
                                                                           ment and execute the learned concepts in science to
                                                                           discover the unknown.

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