Page 16 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 16

Kandala Ramaiah

          andala  Ramaiah  received  the
       KPresident of India's award for
       best teacher for his outstanding ac-
       tivity-based teaching. Kandala Rama-
       iah is working as School Assistant,
       Mathematics at ZPHS Thatikonda
       Jangoan district and is currently pur-
       suing his Ph.D. in Psychology from
       Osmania University. He is encourag-
       ing the community and NGOs to sup-
       port school improvement by utilising
       his extraordinary networking abili-
       ties. He is fostering young minds, in-
       spiring them to have high dreams,
       and uplifting their early years with
       his wise counsel. He feels emotional
       intelligence plays an important role
       in classroom management, and that
       understanding the emotions of the
       students and balancing the emotions
       of teacher makes teaching-learning
       process more successful.
       In conversation with Edusure  Sri. Kandala Ramaiah receiving Best Teacher Award from President of India
       Mr. Kandala Ramaiah explained  I am a staunch supporter of activ
       his hopes for the future of his  ity based learning. I implemented dif-             What are your professional
       students                   ferent innovative teaching methods  How can you claim that  achievements?
                                  in my school to make teaching-learn-  government schools are the
                                  ing process successful. I used Inte-  best?                At ZPHS Thatikonda, I devel-
       What made you to choose teaching  grated ICT tools, assigned projects of  Government schools are the  oped a Mathematics laboratory
       profession?                different concepts to the students for  best  place  for  learning.  Here  with low cost and no cost mate-
        I considered going into engineer-  which  concepts  were  given  from  teaching  is  learner-centered,  rials. To establish this laboratory
       ing, but my family's circumstances  starting or ending of the chapter from  teachers  are  highly  qualified,  an,  USA  based  NGO,  Help  to
       led me to choose a career in teaching.  the textbook. In this process, I di-  trained  and  experienced,  and  Others funded Rs.15000. This
       Only when I started my career as a  vided students into different groups  they always work for a student’s  material is made accessible to
       teacher did I realize how important  and made them complete their proj-  all-round development.  students. They can learn them-
       education is to the development of a  ect  under  the  supervision  of  a           selves joyfully and can be used
       country. Teaching is the ideal profes-  teacher. I implemented joyful learn-        as teaching-learning material.
       sion to help society and the country.  ing with Rangoli and integrated Local  concepts,  progression,  quadratic  Students actively participated in
                                  Culture  via  Maths  Rangoli  to  Im-  equations and factorization, geomet-  various levels of Mathematics
       What are the Activities you have  prove problem-solving capabilities in  rical concepts and their proofs. The  and  Science  exhibitions  at
       implemented in schools to make  math. Algebraic tiling is a new tech-  students learn the concepts unknow-  school, division levels.
       teaching learning process successful?  nique used to develop the algebraic  ingly by using this technique. Magic

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