Page 18 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 18

Best Teacher Mr. Erra Bhaskar

                               Journey With Gurushala

       Honourable Prime Minister Sri.Narendra Modi watching “Journey with Gurushala”, a short film

                                                              What are your other achievements?
             r. Erra Bhaskar from Zilla  students using the Gurushala App.                 Gurushala helps teachers to update
             Parishad High School, Sin-                        I was chosen by Gurushala as one of  their  skills  and  helps  in  effective
       Mgannaguda, Mulugu of Sid-  Can we afford to provide students  two finalists for the "India Mobile Con-  teaching learning process. Complex
       dipet district of Telangana state has  with technology at no cost?  gress- 2022" (IMC), which was held in  mathematics may be clearly taught to
       been teaching Mathematics for thir-                    New Delhi and organized by the largest  students, and this will also boost their
       teen years and has received an invi-  Yes, we can. The best free and eco-  telecom, media, and technology con-  interest in learning. In Gurushala,
       tation from Gurushala to attend the  nomical online resource for teachers  ference in Asia. It is jointly organized  students can take quizzes and learn
       India Mobile Congress in Delhi in  and students is Gurushala. In June  by Department of Telecommunication  how to create content videos that will
       2022.On  September  5,  2021,  2020, DEO Siddipet introduced Gu-  (DoT) and Cellular Operator Associa-  help  them  develop  their  general
       Teacher's Day, Mr. Erra Bhaskar was  rushala. It is an online resource that  tion of INDIA held from October 1 to  awareness. Students integrate ICT
       recognised  as  a  Vodafone  Idea  teachers and students can use to de-  October 4, 2022. In connection to that  technologies to study abstract con-
       Teacher's Scholarship recipient for  velop their pedagogical and profes-  event,  Gurushala  team  has  made  a  cepts from tangible concepts.
       his outstanding contribution in In-  sional skills. A good teacher who uses  short film “Journey with Gurushala” a
       dian education and was given a finan-  technology effectively will improve  five-minute film on four teachers who  Could you tell us about your most
       cial  award  of  one  lakh  rupees  as  the teaching and learning process.  are closely associated with Gurushala.  memorable moment at Mobile
       Teacher  Scholarship-2021  by  the                     Thirty of my students participated in  Congress?
       Vodafone Idea Foundation. Mr. Erra  How is Gurushala helpful for teachers  GNAT test (Gurushala National Apti-
       Bhaskar speaks with and Edusure.  and students?        tude Test) in National wide online Gu-  In connection to this event Gu-
                                                              rushala  National  Teacher  Fellow  rushala team has made a short film
       How did you reach the students at  Gurushala App is very useful to  Teacher  seven  week  training  pro-  “Journey with Gurushala” a 5 minute
       the time of Covid-19 pandemic?  teachers  and  students  alike.  Gu-  gramme. I bagged best teacher award  film on 4 teachers who are closely as-
                                  rushala online videos created with an-  by Rotary Club of Gajwel in 2021.My  sociated with Gurushala. I am also
        Unprecedented pandemic in 2020  imated and digital tool, grabs the at-  student Sriharini of Class IX was se-  one among the four teachers repre-
       forced school closures and physically  tention and interest of students. It  lected for best content video maker by  sented from Telangana state launched
       removed students from the educa-  helps students to update their skills  Bharosa Swachanda Samstha Karim-  by Honourable Prime Minister Shri
       tional process. I therefore developed  and helps to make Teaching Learning  nagar 2021.  Narendra Modi on October 1, 2022 at
       my digital literacy at that time and  process(TLP )effective. It also makes        New Delhi India Mobile Congress.
       used the Canva and Kine Master apps  complex mathematics simple and al-  How did you use digital technology?  The  Prime  Minister  nodded  while
       to create films and recordings. All of  lows us to produce the greatest pos-  What steps have you taken to teach  looking at my visuals. For me, that was
       these lessons were delivered to my  sible video content.                          a wonderful moment.

       Mr.Erra Bhaskar interacting with his students in his class room using activity based teaching
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