Page 13 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 13

Bhavani Nakka

              havani  Nakka,  who  is  now  How did you make these candles?
             doing her Intermediate Sec-
         Bond year with Bi.P.C Group  The wax candles are prepared
         in  conversation  with  Edusure  with natural dry leaves of neem,
         shared her project “Wax Candle to  basil, garlic and camphor, spices
         Repel Mosquitoes and Insects”.  (cents) for flavor and food colors
                                   that are then added to melted wax.
         How did this idea occur to you?  Pour the entire mixture into the
                                   center of the jar or tube. The can-
           People in the village of Balapala  dles are made into desired shapes
         are  afflicted  by  insect  bites  and  and then cooled. Wax candles are
         mosquito bites. So I came up with a  then prepared for usage.
         solution to this issue.
                                   How does it work on mosquitoes?
         Various Insect repellents are                            Bhavani Nakka, a Class X student at Balapala Post, Kuravi (M),
         available in the market now. What  I used scientific research to cre-  Mahabubabad District designed “Wax Candle to Repel Mosquitoes and
         distinguishes your wax candles  ate these candles. They offer us nat-       Insects”
         from other repellents?    ural protection. Wax candles are ef-
                                   fective at repelling mosquitoes and  improving your problem-solving
           Many of these repellents are coils,  other insects, causing them to go  skills?  learning techniques and encourage
         and liquids with larger concentra-  away without upsetting the balance         us to think of practical applications.
         tions that might hurt people's lungs  of the food chain.  Our school gives utmost impor-  Fairs and exhibitions are held reg-
         and result in side effects including                  tance to Mathematics and Science.  ularly to incite us to come up with
         coughing, asthma, pneumonia, etc.  How did your school help in  The  teachers  use  activity  based  different models.

         Dasari Harshitha                                                               welders, and many others.

              asari Harshitha, who is now                                               What is the mechanism in your
             studying in Class IX at ZPHS                                               Common Man’s Friendly Multiple
        DChandanapur,  Peddapalli                                                       Helmet?
        district  in  conversation  with
        Edusure shared her project “Com-                                                  In this device I used a light weight
        mon Mans Friendly Multiple Hel-                                                 helmet, sensor, battery, two fans
        met”.                                                                           and a switch. When the smoke or
                                                                                        dust particles come in contact with
        Who is your inspiration behind this                                             us, the sensor senses it and imme-
        innovation?                                                                     diately rotates the fans which are
                                                                                        fixed at the top of the helmet. The
          My uncle who is welder is my in-                                              air from the fans pushes away the
        spiration.                                                                      smoke or dust and protects com-
                                                                                        mon people from health issues.
                                                                                        Is it affordable? How it is different
                                                                                        from other Helmets?
                                   Dasari Harshitha, a student of Class VII at Chandanapur (V), Ramagiri (M),
                                      Peddapally District designed “Common Friendly Multiple Helmet”.  It is affordable to everyone, and
                                                                                        its cost is Rs.1000. It is weightless,
                                   What made you to invent this  from allergies of eyes / nose and  highly  comfortable  to  wear,  and
                                   Helmet?                    asthma problems due to chalk dust,  beneficial to all workers.
                                     My uncle, who is a welder, wears  and  traffic  police,  mill  workers,
                                         only goggles while work-  watchmen etc also suffer from many  How did your guide teacher help in
                                           ing.  His  lungs  were  health problems due to dust. Mak-  your project?
                                           damaged  due  to  not  ing "Common Man's Friendly Mul-
                                          wearing any mask at the  tiple Helmet" came to me as a solu-  My guide teacher, Sri. T. Sampath
                                          time of welding. In addi-  tion to all of these issues.  Kumar, helped me a lot in designing
                                          tion,  I  have  witnessed                     this project. When I told him about
                                           carpenters  suffering  Tell us the uses of Common Man’s  my invention, he appreciated my
                                          from continuous inhala-  Friendly Multiple Helmet?  observation and pushed me to look
                                           tion of saw dust, mid-day                    for a solution. He also gave me ad-
                                           meal agency workers in  It  offers  protection  against  vice on how to install a smoke sen-
                                           schools suffering from  smoke or dust and other allergies.  sor, which rotates the fans if smoke
                                           allergies due to inhaling  It is helpful for a variety of occu-  or dust enters the welder's nose. His
                                           of husk dust. Teachers  pations,  including  watchmen,  valuable inputs helped me design
                                            and  students  suffer  teachers,  cooks,  mill  workers,  the device at a faster pace.

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