Page 9 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 9

State Level Science Drama Festival

           Chinese proverb says, “Tell me  Drama Competition held on October
           and I will forget. Show me and  18 & 19, 2022 organized by Depart-
       AI will remember. Involve me  ment of Maths & Science SCERT  at
       and I will understand”. Drama is a  Godavari Auditorium,  Hyderabad.
       crucial tool for training students to  Students of Karimnagar & Kumuram
       live and work in a society that is pro-  Bheem Asifabad districts bagged the
       gressively less hierarchical and more  first and second places. They also par-
       team oriented. It is important for fos-  ticipated in the Southern India Sci-
       tering creativity in problem-solving.  ence Drama Festival (SISDF)-2022
       Drama helps students communicate  held at the Visvesvaraya Industrial &
       feelings, ideas, and dreams through  Technological Museum, Bangalore on
       dramatic inquiry that they might not  December 1 & 2, 2022.
       otherwise be able to do.     Prize winners of first and Second
        To include Drama into pedagogy  places in the State Level competition
       and to unlock the energies of young  will participate in Southern Indian
       minds, National Council of Science  Science Drama Festival 2022 (SISDF-
       Museums, Visvesvaraya Industrial  2022).  Similarly,  first  and  second
       and  Technological  Museum,  Ben-  prize winners of SISDF will partici-
       galuru organizes State Level Science  pate in the National Level competi-
       Drama Festival every year.   tion,  to  be  organized  by  National
        Telangana  conducted  District  Council  of  Science  Museums  at
       Level Science Drama competitions on  Visvesvaraya Industrial and Techno-
       the theme “Science & Technology for  logical Museum, Bangalore on Janu-
       the benefit of Mankind” in September  ary 5 & 6, 2023.
       by following the guidelines. Students  Annual event of Southern India
       from 28 districts participated with  Science Drama was organized on De-
       great curiosity and enthusiasm.  cember 1 & 2, 2022 on the theme "Sci-
        First place winners from each dis-  ence & Technology for the benefit of
       trict competed in the State Science  Mankind".

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