Page 5 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 5

Passion and encouragement

                                           fuel success

            Honourable Minister of Finance  Medical-Health and Family Welfare of Telangana Mr. T. Harish Rao Garu Congratulating K. Akhila for her success

                                                              What is your message to young  What are the challenges you
              ith the help and support  Telangana State Model School in
              of  her  teachers,  K.  Irkode,  Siddipet  District.  From  minds?          faced at the time of your
       WAkhila, an Intermediate   ninth through tenth grade, I at-  Learn  from  your  failures.  I   preparation?
       student at TSWRS / JC(G), Mitta-  tended Zilla Parishad High School  received a spot in the IIT despite  I had some difficulties at first
       pally, was able to secure a spot in  in Indiranagar, Siddipet. Later, I  failing intermediate Mathematics  because I didn't understand the
       the IIT Mechanical Engineering  was selected to TSWRJC and was  1b . Failures should be viewed as  material and was afraid of losing
       programme in Palakkad, Kerala.  assigned to the Mittapally, Sid-  stepping stones rather than as bar-  my dream. However, my teachers
        Akhila, who hails from Siddipet  dipet District, location. I was a  riers to progress.  encouraged me a lot.
       in Telangana, is the daughter of an  member of the centre of excel-
       outsourcing bill collector and an  lence's  inaugural  batch,  which  What is your advice to students  JEE advanced exam is perceived to
       Anganwadi caretaker. Her sister  provides special coaching to JEE  aspiring for IIT?  be challenging. How did you
       Harika is a third-year stu-  aspirants  with  intermediate                  succeed?
       dent and her brother Akshith Ku-  courses.               Don’t waste your time. Every
       mar is a ninth-grade student. “She                     second is important.          It will be difficult if we see it to
       is an intelligent student who has  IIT admission is an achievement.                be so, and simple if we perceive it
       worked very hard to achieve her  Tell us about your success.  Who contributed to your success  to  be  so.  It  depends  on  how  we
       goal of admission to llT” says Smt.                    and how?                    think; if we think positively, we
       Laxmanjali Veldandi, Principal of  Yes, getting accepted into an IIT               can accomplish anything, and it
       TSWR school Mittapally, Siddipet.  is a success, but it's not an easy feat.  My  parents  and  instructors  becomes simple for us. I used the
                                  If your commitment to your objec-  have definitely inspired me. They  strategies from my teachers and
                                  tive is sincere, you can overcome  gave me a lot of support and en-  the books they recommended to
        Akhila, in an exclusive   any obstacle. I never had dreamt of  couragement while I was unable  ace the competitive and, of course,
        conversation with Edusure,  studying in  IIT, but I had a strong  to study.       challenging exam.
                                  desire to be accepted into one of
        shares about her journey
                                  the top universities in our country.  What are the strategies you  Who is your inspiration? How did
                                  That helped me crack JEE.   followed at the time of IIT-JEE  they inspire you?
                                                              Mains and Advance?
       Where you did your schooling?  How would you like to describe                        My college teachers inspired me
        My  primary  education  was  your success?              I simply followed the notes my  a lot, especially, my math teachers
       completed from Siddhartha High                         teacher  gave  me  and  the  books  Bharathi  Madam  and  Raju  Sir.
       School in Siddipet, and from sixth  My  success  is  the  result  of  they recommended.  They encouraged me and stood by
       through eighth grade, I attended  strong will and proper guidance.                 me in all of my trying times.

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