Page 6 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 6

Running Far Enough to

                                Make a Difference

                                                                                  Pencak Silat district winners at UPS Indresham

           ports are a significant component of  The school begins the day with a physical
           the curriculum today that help stu-  fitness training and continues to practice and
       Sdents develop their personalities and  learn game strategy after school.
       physical well-being. Participating in sports  A. Srinivas Rao supports his students by
       helps children develop life skills such as lead-  also providing wholesome food and commu-
       ership, self-assurance, patience, teamwork,  nicating the value of physical education to
       and responsibility, thus getting them ready  the parents. After lengthy hours of practice,
       to face challenges in life. Sports participation  the  principal  and  the  physical  education
       is important for students since it lowers  teacher even takes care of safely leaving their
       stress and improves mood. It also helps chil-  students off at their homes.
       dren socialize, develop collaboration skills,
       strengthen their bones and muscles, pro-  Pencak Silat Association of Telangana
       mote fitness, improve sleep, and lessen their  conducts various competitions in martial
       chance of becoming obese.          arts and holds district level competitions.
        Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School, In-  The highly motivated team volunteered and
       dresham, Patancheru, Sangareddy recognizes  conducted the district level Pencak Silat
       the importance of sports in improving a stu-  selections where in around 400 students
       dent's physical abilities and instilling a sense  participated from different schools of
       of good sportsmanship in them. The school con-  Sangareddy. The selected athletes
       sistently excel at sports and games which was  S.Praveen, G. Vikas, T. Prashanth and
       made possible by the efforts of the school prin-  M.Srinath won gold, silver and bronze
       cipal, A. Srinivas Rao and Prem Kumar, a phys-  medals at state level and represented
       ical education teacher. This school is receiving  Telangana at national level championship
       praise for its great efforts in the field of sports.  held in Haryana in 2021.
                                                                               Uppu Mahesh at State Level Aquatic swimming
                                                                                      competition at Gachibowli
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