Page 10 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
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Admiring Students’ Passion -

                            INSPIRE Awards – MANAK

           earning by doing and experi-  Knowledge), executed by DST with  website.  Students  from  different  Level Exhibition and Project Com-
           mental  learning  are  highly  National Innovation Foundation –  parts of Telangana exhibited their  petitions (NLEPC) was organized
       Lvalued as they create curios-  India (NIF), an autonomous body of  projects at district, and state levels.  from September 14 to 16, 2022 at
       ity and inquiry in students. By doing  DST,  aims  to  motivate  students  The  selected  students  at  District  Pragathi Maidan, New Delhi. Telan-
       experiments students find innova-  studying in classes 6 to 10 to carry  Level Exhibition were selected for  gana students bagged 8 out of 60
       tive solutions to real life problems.  out  innovations.  The  programme  INSPIRE SCHEME at State Level  prizes in the NLEPC. These 8 stu-
       'Innovation in Science Pursuit for  aims to target one million original  Exhibition  dents will participate in Festival of
       Inspired  Research'  (INSPIRE)  ideas/innovations rooted in science  Budding Scientists of Telangana   Innovation and Entrepreneurship
       scheme is one of the flagship pro-  and social applications to encourage          (FINE) which will be organized in
       grammes of Department of Science  a culture of creativity and inventive  Telangana students have contin-  Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
       & Technology (DST), Government  thinking  among  school  children.  uously performed very well at na-  In conversation with Edusure the
       of  India.  INSPIRE  Awards  –  Under  this  scheme,  schools  can  tional and international level sci-  young  innovators  selected  under
       MANAK (Million Minds Augment-  nominate five best original ideas/in-  ence   exhibitions   since   the  INSPIRE awards - MANAK shared
       ing  National  Aspirations  and  novations of students through this  formation of the state. 9th National  their excitement.

           Thati Bhavana                                                                  Mustyala Pooja Sri

             hati Bhavana, doing Pre-Uni-                                                transportation to their schools.
             versity  Course  (PUC)  with                                                The main objective of my project
        TMPC at Rajiv Gandhi Univer-                                                     is to guarantee the safety of stu-
        sity of Knowledge and Technology,                                                dents travelling by school buses.
        Idupulapaya  Andhra  Pradesh,                                                    Axle Camera view offers safety
        Kadapa (Dist) in conversation with                                               for  all  vehicles.  It  keeps  the
        Edusure shared her project “Light-                                               school bus ride safe for the stu-
        ing Manhole Caps”                                                                dents, attendants and drivers.
        How did the idea to design this                                                  Tell us about your model and its
        project come to you?                                    Mustyala Pooja Sri, a student of  functioning?
                                       Thati Bhavana, Class 9 at   Class VII at Sulthanabad,
          Manholes are essential aspects of  MJPTBCWRS Hanwada Girls                       Here, one or two cameras are
        a city's infrastructure. According to  Hanwada, Mahabubnagar District has  Peddapalli district designed “Axle  put on the bus's two axles, facing
        a survey by National Crime Records  designed “Lighting Manhole Caps”  camera for school buses”  one another at an angle to cap-
        Bureau nearly 780 people have died                                               ture both the front and back im-
        due to accidental falls in opened man-  the sidewalk.         ustyala Pooja Sri, who  ages. Before starting the bus, the
        holes in 2018. Opened and damaged  Is your project affordable?  is now a student of class  driver must check the Axle Cam
        manholes are causing a threat to the                    MIX  at  Alphores  High  display to see whether anyone is
        people in city especially at the time  I  have  used  wood  board,  LED  School, Sulthanabad, Peddapalli  standing close to the wheels and
        of floods. So I thought of a solution  bulbs, batteries and alarm sensor  District,  in  conversation  with  to confirm that it is secure and
        and designed Lighting Manhole Cap.  here. All these are inexpensive ma-  Edusure shared her project “Axle  safe to start and move the bus.
        In what way it is different from  terials. Because it uses solar energy,  camera for school buses”.  Is its applicability examined?
                                   it is reasonably priced. Its price is
        other projects.                                         How did the idea to design this  Where does it apply?
                                   close to 2000 rupee.
          It is extremely inexpensive, runs  What inspired you to take part in  project come to you?  This project consists of a few
        on solar power, and has an addi-  this competition?      Numerous  incidences  of  basic  pieces  of  equipment,  in-
        tional alarm sound to help prevent                      school  bus  accidents  are  re-  cluding a screen, a camera, a doll,
        accidents.                   I have seen many students pre-  ported each year, and innocent  and a model bus. The practicality
        How does the Lighting Manhole Cap  senting their innovative projects in  children are killed as a result.  is carefully examined with the
        work?                      science exhibitions. My peers' com-  Though there are many causes  required materials. This proto-
                                   mitment to creativity and critical  for the accidents, children get-  type  is  implemented  in  our
          Lighting  Manhole  Cap  works  thought  inspired  me  to  create  a  ting crushed under tires is very  school.
        based on solar energy. LED lights  model that would make a fantastic  tragic. In such cases even the ef-  How did your guide teacher help
        and an alarm sensor are attached to  exhibit.           ficient drivers are helpless as the
        the solar panel. Alarm sensor aids  How did your guide teacher help you?  bottom part of the bus is invisible  you?
        in  preventing  unintentional  falls                    to them. This pathetic plight ig-  My guide teacher Sri. Shyam
        into manholes that are open. Red  Throughout the project, my men-  nited me to ensure safety of stu-  Sundar  Reddy  mentored  me
        light will glow whenever a manhole  tor  and  guide  teacher  B.Swarna  dents travelling by school bus.  throughout the endeavor and en-
        is opened, and an alarm sensor will  Latha offered guidance and shared  What is basic goal of your  couraged me to seek a solution.
        sound to warn people. When closed,  her ideas and instructions for en-           He helped me access all the re-
        the green LED bulb will glow and il-  hancing the project. She also pro-  project?  search material required for the
        luminate  the  surrounding  area.  vided technical assistance and ex-  The majority of parents today  completion of my project. I also
        When it rains heavily, it is easier to  panded  upon  the  content  of  my  face a significant issue in provid-  thank my school for extending
        clean and safe for people to walk on  project.          ing their children with the safest  their support and guidance.

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