Page 15 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 15

Tell us about Pillalamarri District
        Science Forum?
          As a co-founder and General
        Secretary of Pillalamarri District
        Science Forum, a non-profit or-
        ganization  since  2005,  I  have
        been organizing numerous activ-
        ities  under  the  motto  "Donate
        your leisure time and money" in
        order to foster a scientific attitude
        and  temperament  among  stu-
        dents and teachers at government

       What are your contributions to
        I have established  Dr. Kalam Science               Mr. T.N. Sridhar and his students with former President of India Sri. Pranab Mukherjee
       Lab on the terrace  of my house under
       the ageis of Dream Force Foundation  nent labs to visit classrooms and en-
       with a seed money of  10 lakhs from my  gage  with  children  from  various
       earnings. This lab is open to all, the main  schools in the area. I created a life-
       aim  of  the  lab  is  to  infuse  scientific  skills kit that fosters household repair
       temperament among the  students and  abilities with the help of the District
       citizens. I encourage students to take  Collector and presented it to other
       part enthusiastically in INSPIRE, NCSC  schools as well. I also organized nu-
       and  JNNSMEE.  Apart  from  these,I  merous groups and created an alumni
       organise  Educational  tour  to  North  association to raise money for the
       India  every  year.  During  the  tour,  I  school, mobilized to raise about Rs.
       facilitate  my  students      to  meet  the  25 lakhs and invited a number of mo-
       President  of India  and interact with  tivational figures to participate in in-
       him/her  and get inspiration.  teractive sessions with students to
                                  motivate them. In addition, I con-  Mr. T.N. Sridhar and his students celebrating Children's Day
       How did your organizing activities  ducted online classes and demonstra-  with former President of India Sri. Ramnath Kovind
       help the students?         tions during lockdown to keep the
                                  students in touch with my subject,  Academy, Tech Mahindra Founda-  Fair 2009, and special jury award in
        I organized visits to many presti-  and  provided  financial,  social  and  tion Award for innovative teaching  2011 and was selected for National
       gious labs like NIN, IICT, NGRI, RCI,  moral help to many poor and physi-  methodology, and State level Best  Workshop for Utsahi Physics Teach-
       CCMB,  Birla  Science  Centre  and  cally challenged students.  Teacher award from the Government  ers in 2017.I also bagged state-level
       Planetarium and SDSC-SHAR to stu-                      of Telangana in 2017 are some of my  best  teacher  innovator  award  and
       dents and science teachers. I organ-  What are your other achievements?  prized achievements. I also received  Intinta Innovator by Telangana State
       ized a summer residential 11-day pro-                  an award from National Teacher Sci-  Innovation Cell in 2019.
       gram every year for class X students  I  received  National  Award  to  ence Congress 2018 for my research  I received recognition at National
       with the help of donors and made the  Teachers 2022 by Government of In-  paper on joyful learning with self-col-  INSPIRE and was chosen for the 2017
       students understand hard concepts  dia, Silver medal in National level Sci-  lected material. I was a Special Pub-  and 2018 Festival of Innovation as well
       of science with hands-on experimen-  ence Techno Festival, Transforming  lisher in 2007, ISRO and won special  as  the  SAKURA  Japan  science  ex-
       tation. I mobilized scientists of emi-  Educator  Award  2022  by  Science  cash award at Southern India Science  change programme. In 2017, 2018, and
                                                                                         2019, my students were chosen for the
                                                                                         India International Science Festival.
                                                                                         I also received Gandhi Global Family's
                                                                                         State-level Science Seva Ratna Award,
                                                                                         Gandhi Gyan Prathistan 2020's State-
                                                                                         level and District-level Best Teacher
                                                                                         Awards, and others' State and District-
                                                                                         level Best Teacher Awards.

                                                                                         What is your message to parents and

                                                                                           Join your children in government
                                                                                         schools as they are the best. As a chal-
                                                                                         lenge to the private schools in my vil-
                                                                                         lage, I conducted a Quality Test to
                                                                                         demonstrate practically how much
                                                                                         better government school kids fared
                                                                                         than those in private institutions. By
                                                                                         this time, enrollment had dramati-
                                                                                         cally risen, and the private school had
                         Mr. T. N. Sridhar receiving National Award for his innovative teaching  finally closed.
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