Page 17 - EDUSURE SEP-OCT 2022
P. 17

with graph paper, serves the purpose
       of  understanding  the  concepts  of
       Mathematics in a very concise and
       concrete way. Another method I fol-
       lowed is Crosschecking method. In
       this method, students cross check the
       obtained  answers  with  the  given
       question. Learning through animated
       and interactive movies was also in-
       troduced  to  students  as  being  in-
       spired by Geo Gebra, an open-source
       digital tool to engage the pupils.

       Tell us about your personal
        I have done Small Scale Research
       (action oriented) on "The impact of
       low cost and no cost teaching learn-
       ing material on students achieve-
       ment in learning Mathematics at sec-
       ondary level" and submitted a paper
       at National Seminar on Mathematics
       Education  conducted  by  NCERT-
       New Delhi in December 2018. I am
                                                                                            Mr. Kandala Ramaiah with his
                                                                                              students in his school's
                                                                                             Mathematics Laboratory

                                                                                         one of the authors of Telangana State
                                                                                         Mathematics Textbooks (classes 4th,
                                                                                         5th& 10th) developed by SCERT and
                                                                                         also  the  author  of  teacher  hand-
                                                                                         books, modules and e-content devel-
                                                                                         opment. I participated in National
                                                                                         Level  seminars,  conferences  and
                                                                                         workshops   conducted   by
                                                                                         NCERT/RIE and presented papers
                                                                                         on different classroom practices and
                                                                                         experiments, motivated students to-
                                                                                         wards social work and building com-
                                                                                         munity assets.
                                                                                           I worked as a Resource Person for
                                                                                         Mobile Science centre in Warangal
                                                                                         District,  where  I  developed  TLM
                                                                                         with low cost and no cost and exhib-
                                                                                         ited and trained teachers in TLM

                                                                                         How did you reach out to the
                                                                                         students during the pandemic?
                                                                                           In the early stages of Covid-19,
                                                                                         WhatsApp  groups  were  created,
                                                                                         and students were sent videos ex-
                                                                                         plaining the fundamentals. Even-
                                                                                         tually, I began establishing a video
                                                                                         conference  connection  between
                                                                                         them  using  Google  Meet  and

                                                                                         What is your goal?
                                                                                           My goal is not only to enhance the
                                                                                         innate abilities of students in Math-
                                                                                         ematics but also integrating the on-
                                                                                         line tools for enriching their reason-
                                                                                         ing,  proof  and  Mathematical
                                                                                         communication skills and thus cre-
                                                                                         ating a Virtual Learning Environ-
                                                                                         ment to students.
       Sri. Kandala Ramaiah
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