Page 9 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 9

their household carbon footprints by  emissions could lead to a severely  tions, I used 47 litres of water for
                                  looking at how much electricity they  polluted planet and that it is every-  bathing,  brushing,  drinking,  and
                                  use at home, how much petrol and  one's obligation to minimise carbon  other everyday activities. In addition,
                                  diesel they use in their vehicles, and  emissions and prevent the air from  I calculated the amount of water used
                                  how much LPG they use for cooking,  becoming dangerous to living beings,  by my family in a day for washing
                                  and then came up with solutions to re-  as well as slow global warming. I was  clothes, vehicles, utensils and vegeta-
       Activity 2:                duce their carbon footprint.  fortunate to get the guidance of S Ra-  bles, and cooking.
       Water Audit for Gardening    The following are some of the ob-  jashekar,  PGT,  Chemistry.  He  as-  I  observed  that  my  household
                                  servations made by some of the stu-  sisted me throughout the activity."  used 159 litres of water. These find-
        Students who took part in this ac-  dents.                                       ings helped me and my family to ju-
       tivity learned to determine the quan-                  K Varsha, Class VII, ZPHS Pulkal,  diciously use water for household
       tity of water necessary for healthy  B Nakshatra, Class VIII, TSMS  Sangareddy District  activities. I also shared this informa-
       plant growth. They used containers  Komattapally, Ramayampet, Medak  Activity: Water Audit for Household  tion with my neighbours. My guide,
       such as small buckets, bottles, mugs,  District.       activities                 B Rama Krishnaiah, School Assis-
       and bowls to water the plants. The                                                tant, Biology, regularly monitored
       students categorized each plant as a  Activity: Water Audit for Gardening  "I utilised two water bottles, each  my activity, shared his knowledge,
       herb, shrub, or tree, watered them  "I calculated the amount of water  with a capacity of two litres, to con-  and motivated me to complete the
       daily for a week using the containers,  required  for  each  plant  over  the  duct the activity. As per my observa-  task on time."
       and recorded the observations. The  course of a year. My findings taught
       students then calculated how much  me  the  difference  between  herbs,
       water each plant consumed and how  shrubs, and trees as well as the fact
       much was wasted.           that not all plants require the same
                                  quantity of water. As a result, I began
       Activity 3:                to water plants at home and school
       Water Audit for Agricultural Crops  with all of my senses and I used the
                                  knowledge gained through this activ-
        This activity assisted students in  ity to guarantee that no water was
       understanding  the  types  of  crops  wasted. My guide, Arvind, PGT, as-
       growing in and around their homes  sisted me throughout the activity."
       and the systems of irrigation. To be-
       gin, the students made a list of the
       key crops grown in their area and cal-  G Akhil, Class IX, TSMS Chegunta,
       culated the amount of land where at  Medak District
       least three crops are grown. Then  Activity: Carbon Footprint
       they interacted with farmers to learn
       about irrigation methods. They as-  "I've read about how large-scale
       sessed the quantity of water required  carbon releases can have a negative
       for various crops and offered sugges-  impact on the environment. I actively
       tions for reducing water waste during  made calculations to figure out the
       irrigation.                carbon footprint for a year by accu-
                                  mulating the monthly power bills,
       Activity 4:                petrol bills, and cooking gas bills, with
       Carbon Footprint           the curiosity to estimate the carbon
                                  emissions  created  via  my  family's
        This activity helped students learn  everyday activities. My calculations
       the causes of carbon emissions and the  revealed that our everyday use of ve-
       amount of greenhouse gasses emitted  hicles, electricity, and cooking gas
       into  the  air,  contributing  to  global  emits up to 1.07 tonnes of carbon
       warming.  The  students  calculated  dioxide. I realised that rising carbon

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