Page 4 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 4

C Muddukrishna, School Assistant, Government High School, Dubba, Nizamabad District,
                                                     received the silver medal for innovative Teaching-Learning Model Presentation at ISTF 2022

         Government School Teachers Bag Silver at

       the 2 Indian  Science Techno Festival 2022

               he 2nd Indian Science  Dubba,  Nizamabad  District,  dis-  teaching strategy for making lessons  Receiving the silver medal at a
               Techno Festival (ISTF)  cussed the effectiveness of Teaching  interesting and improving students'  platform like ISTF is a testament to
               was conducted in con-  Learning Materials (TLM) in the  comprehension. Since then, I have  my efforts to foster a scientific mind-
               nection with Amrut Ma-  classroom and his efforts in devel-  brainstormed ideas to get the best  set among students. With this medal,
       Thotsav, an initiative of  oping  an  innovative  Teaching-  TLM  required  to  teach  students  I am even more motivated and in-
       the Government of India to cele-  Learning Model Presentation that  critical science concepts. During the  spired to create better TLMs to help
       brate and commemorate 75 years of  won him a silver medal at the Indian  process, I created two new TLMs:  children understand science con-
       independence. The event was or-  Science  Techno  Festival  (ISTF)  One Box Many Light Experiments  cepts. In addition, winning a silver
       ganised  by  Raman  Science  and  2022.                and the Torch Light Microscopic  medal at ISTF 2022 has earned me
       Technology Foundation, National                        Projector.                  a lifetime membership in the Na-
       Council of Teacher Scientist, India,  What prompted you to create these            tional Science of Teacher Scientists.
       and  APJ  Abdul  Kalam  National  ground-breaking models?  How did the students react to the
       Council  of  Young  Scientist.  The                    innovative models in class?  What are your future plans in the
       theme of this year’s ISTF was ‘Inno-  I  strongly  believe  that  visual  The students enjoy using the new  line of innovation?
       vations and Creativity in Science  learning is key for channeling stu-  models to learn. These models assist  Teaching students using TLMs is
       and Technology’.           dents' understanding of theoretical  their imagination and comprehen-  one of the best teaching methods.
        In  conversation  with  Edusure,   lessons into practical application. It  sion of lessons, giving way to exper-  Believing the same, I plan to develop
       Mr  C  Muddukrishna  and  Mr   is challenging for most teachers to  imental learning. The clarity of con-  many more TLMs that can aid stu-
       T N Sridhar, the recipients of the sil-  make sense of science topics for stu-  cepts allows students to apply the  dents in learning critical concepts
       ver medal at the ISTF 2022, shared  dents in classes 6 to 10. I am no ex-  knowledge to their own lives and a  more easily. I will pursue this as I
       their  happiness  on  winning  the  ception. With my many approaches  variety of contexts.  want students to enjoy, have strong
       award.                     to teaching science, I learned that  What does receiving the silver  foundations  in  science,  improve
        Mr C Muddukrishna, School As-  transmitting  knowledge  through  medal at ISTF 2022 mean to you?  their critical thinking and develop
       sistant, Government High School,  (TLM)  is  an  effective  classroom               problem-solving skills. I strive hard

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