Page 2 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 2


                             or students to acquire 21st-century skills, there is an utmost need to customize academic
                            learning with research and innovation. Upgradation of students' knowledge is crucial for
                      Ftomorrow's innovation. The desire to learn and innovate in students originates from the
                      teacher's innovative teaching models and methodologies. When a subject is taught experimentally
                      to a student, it will cultivate curiosity in them to apply the learned concepts in real-worldsituations.
                      The continuous practice of learning by doing will bring a change in the way education is looked at
                      and help nourish today's generation for shaping tomorrow's future in the field of Science and
                      Technology. Giving impetus to innovative teaching models and methodologies that have a vital role
                      in developing innovative minds, we bring to you the innovative teaching learning model and
                      Innovative teaching methodology that received a Silver Medal at the 2nd Indian Science Techno
                      Festival ISTF, 2022. It is followed by the student winners at Jawaharlal Nehru National Science
                      Mathematics Environment Exhibition 2020 and 2021 and students' analysis of water usage and
                      carbon footprint through the Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah Programme.
                         With schools closed for almost two years due to the pandemic, the schools of all managements
                      in the state conducted online classes. Every new initiative will have its Pros and Cons. Although
                      online classes had prevented the loss of the academic year and allowed children to experience virtual
                      learning and learn more about technology, home-based learning has hampered students' reading
                      ability. To curb this, the Telangana state kicked off the Read Campaign Programme, an initiative
                      by the Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education, Government
                      of India. The programme aims to improve students' reading ability through effective reading
                      strategies by strengthening libraries and organizing competitions. I am delighted to see school
                      heads, teachers, parents, local communities, and non-governmental organizations coming together
                      to make the programme a success. The improvement in students' reading standards that I have
                      noticed is appreciable. I wish it continues and goes beyond the objective of just improving the
                      reading ability to a proclivity towards reading a wide variety of books that can make students
                         In  this  edition,  we  reflect  on  the  Read  Campaign  Programme  and  the  English  Learning
                      Enrichment Course for Teachers, a massive programme organized both offline and online. This
                      programme aims to encourage teachers to speak in English and help them become proficient with
                      the language well before the state-run schools use English as the medium of instruction from the
                      next academic year. We hope this edition gives you a glimpse of the state’s activities and showcases
                      innovative models for teachers and students.

                                                                    Director of School Education
                                                                     Government of Telangana

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