Page 5 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 5

to  encourage  students  to  ure out ways and means to  difficulties you
       learn science with enthusi-  engage  children  in  the  encountered when creating  I am pleased  His TLMs
       asm  and  curiosity.  I  hope  learning process. The best  these models?  to see my             are
       that my continuous thrive  teaching-learning   ap-  When  I  began  to  bring  child grasping
       in  preparing  the  student-  proach is to create TLMs  my  ideas  to  the  floor,  I           impressive,
       friendly learning environ-  that can arouse interest in  struggled  with  gathering  science concepts  and my child's
       ment and teaching method-  the subject. Furthermore,  the equipment needed to  through Muddu  excitement to attend
       ologies encourage students  student involvement in dif-  build effective TLMs.   Krishna Garu's practice  Physical Science class
       to develop a scientific tem-  ferent academic activities  I designed these models  sessions."
       per and aspire to a scientific  will  provide  them  with  a  using the materials avail-  is contagious."
       career  to  help  shape  the  platform  to  discover  the  able at home. I worked Ex-  - S Maruthi,   - RamagiriDakaiah,
       country's future.    unknown, and exploration  tra  hours  preparing  the  parent of class IX  parent of class VIII
       What is your advice to your  will become a part of their  TLMs during the Covid-19  student        student,
       colleagues?          daily routine.       lockdown.  I  utilized  the    S Ramcharan
        I advise teachers to fig-  What were some of the  time to prepare such TLMs.                   R Soumya Sri

        Mr. T N Sridhar, School Assistant,                                               experiments  on  his  own  with  the
       Physical  Science,  ZPHS  Yenman-                                                 knowledge he had acquired on his
       gandla,  Mahabubnagar  District,                                                  own. He had a poor academic record,
       spoke about the Innovative teaching                                               but his newfound learning method
       Methodology  Presentation  that                                                   helped him improve his performance
       bagged him the silver medal at ISTF                                               in science and other subjects. His at-
       2022. His pilot study on joyful learn-                                            titude towards learning inspired me
       ing with 'self-collected' material is re-                                         to develop the teaching strategy, 'Ef-
       ceiving wide applause and helping                                                 fective Joyful learning with Self-col-
       the  children  become  self-reliant,                                              lected Material'.
       which is now becoming the keyword
       in the country's development.                                                     Why do you think new methods of
                                                                                         teaching are required to impart
       Can you tell us about your innovative                                             education to students?
       teaching methods of science?
                                                                                           Students hail from different socio-
        Innovative teaching approaches                                                   economic and cultural backgrounds,
       are required to meet today's educa-                                               and each of them has unique talents
       tional needs. The use of low-cost and                                             and degrees of comprehension. It is
       no-cost materials in the teaching-                                                a challenge for every teacher to bring
       learning process is becoming more                                                 all their students on a common plat-
       popular. I did the same thing, but the                                            form and ensure that no one is left
       difference was that I engaged stu-                                                 behind learning and realizing their
       dents  as  active  players.  In  a  pilot                                         aspirations. Another challenge is the
       study,  I  divided  54  students  from                                            students' exposure to digital devices
       class 9 into six groups based on their                                            and technology now. Visual learning
       pre-test scores to assess their com-  T N Sridhar, School Assistant, Physical Science, ZPHS Yenmangandla,  took a big leap during the pandemic,
       prehension abilities. Three of the six  Mahabubnagar District, received silver medal for Innovative Teaching  and  students  are  more  excited  to
       groups conducted experiments using                                                learn lessons through experimenta-
       my raw materials, while the remain-     Methodology Presentation at ISTF 2022     tion.  Routine  classroom  teaching
       ing groups independently gathered                                                 may not meet students' learning de-
       the required raw materials. At the  chose this project for the subtheme  crease self-confidence among the stu-  mands, and the innovative teaching
       end of this innovative drill, I observed  of science learning for sustainable de-  dents and induce scientific temper.  methods can spark the curiosity to
       that the groups of students who con-  velopment.       Furthermore, I observed children be-  learn and supplement their pre-ex-
       ducted  experiments  with  self-col-                   coming engrossed in science classes,  isting energy to take on the world in
       lected materials performed better  What new ways of teaching science  which resulted in increased student  their fields of interest. Also, it is the
       than the other groups that completed  have you adopted? What is the  enrollment. For many years now, I  teacher's responsibility to monitor
       experiments with the materials I pro-  outcome?        have had the delight of guiding stu-  the content that students watch on
       vided. Self-collection of raw materials                dents  toward  science  exploration,  the internet and teach them to only
       improved their creativity, enthusi-  In addition to this joyful learning  which has ultimately led to my stu-  look for academic content. Hence, my
       asm, and active participation in reg-  with self-collected materials, I impart  dents winning prizes and having their  teaching methods, which I adore, are
       ular classes. They learn science with  science  using  more  methods  like  science projects selected at larger  tuned according to the learning needs
       more joy, show interest in exploring  TMT  (Two  Minute  Talk),  Science  platforms such as the National In-  of students.
       the subject, and remember the con-  doubt box, Traditions and Science,  spire-Manak Awards, SAKURA, India
       cepts and contexts better. I have been  Superstitions and Science, Educa-  International  Science  Festival,  What does this award mean to you?
       using this strategy in my classes for  tional Rangoli, etc. I could see this  JNNSME, FOIN, and NCSC.
       the past ten years. As a result, I wit-  improve the ability to learn science       This award serves as a sign of ap-
       nessed students below average doing  among below-average students, mo-  What inspired you to write the  preciation for my efforts and as a be-
       better and those above-average im-  tivate passive students to participate  research paper on innovative  ginning step in my ongoing quest to
       proving their grades. To achieve a  actively in the class, expand the scope  teaching methods?  improve the academic performance
       positive outcome, I aggressively used  for bringing in alternative materials      of below-average students and reduce
       this 'Effective Joyful learning with  for experiments, create a friendly en-  I observed M Ramu, a class 8 stu-  the dropout rates through creative
       Self-collected Material' method and  vironment in the classroom, and in-  dent, gathering resources and doing  teaching approaches.

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