Page 10 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 10

MD.  Akhil  Ahmad,  Class  IX,  ZPHS   most up-to-date farming techniques.  that 0.3 tons of carbon is being re-  Kumar, PGT, Chemistry, I acquired
       Pulkal, Sangareddy         I understood that farmers have yet to  leased into the atmosphere by us each  knowledge  on  different  types  of
       Activity: Water Audit for Agriculture  benefit from technological advance-  year. I decided to take strict steps to  plants and their water consumption
                                  ments in the agriculture sector. My  reduce it as it was unacceptable. We  for healthy growth, which helped me
        "When I decided to take up this ac-  guide, B Rama Krishnaiah, School As-  began taking public transportation,  differentiate the water utilization for
       tivity, I visited farming lands and in-  sistant, Biology, shared his knowl-  conserving electricity, and limiting  herbs, shrubs, and trees."
       teracted with farmers. My discus-  edge and motivated me to complete  our usage of cooking gas. I inform my
       sions  with  them  led  me  to  the  the task on time."  neighbours and others I come into  G Bharathi, Class VIII, KGBV
       conclusion that farmers use excessive                  contact with about the dangers of  Kattabgur, Nalgonda District
       water to irrigate crops. They use ap-  M Swathi, Class IX, TSMS Elagandal,  high carbon emissions and urge them  Activity: Water Audit for Household
       proximately 18,000 litres of water for  Karimnagar District  to take action to safeguard the planet  activities
       one acre of land in a day for rice crops,  Activity: Carbon Footprint  from  global  warming.  My  guide,
       that only requires 1000 litres per day.                Ganesh Singh, PGT, Chemistry pro-  "I calculated the weekly usage of
       discovered that most farmers' waste-  "My research into calculating my  vided me with the required assistance  water by my family to be 3,460 litres.
       water because they do not use the  family's carbon footprint revealed  to complete this activity."  This made me realise how important
                                                                                         it is to conserve water for daily activ-
                                                              P Rohith Kumar, Class VIII, TSMS  ities such as brushing teeth, bathing,
                                                              Shakarapatnam, Karimnagar District  drinking,  toilet  flushing,  washing
                                                              Activity: Water Audit for Gardening  clothes, utensils, veggies, cooking, au-
                                                              and Carbon Footprint       tomobiles, and the floor. I educated
                                                                                         my family that water is an essential
                                                               "My in-depth examination of my  resource, and we must save water and
                                                              carbon footprint revealed how a high  use it carefully. I am thankful for the
                                                              percentage of carbon dioxide gas in  support extended by my guide, CH
                                                              the atmosphere raises global temper-  Shailaja, CRT, Bio-Science."
                                                              atures. I've seen that summer tem-
                                                              peratures are steadily rising, making
                                                              it tough to stay cool in the approach-
                                                              ing years. I've also noticed how the
                                                              summer heat dries up water bodies.
                                                              I concluded my activity by learning
                                                              that planting trees is one of the meas-
                                                              ures to improve oxygen levels and as-
                                                              sist in the maintenance of moderate
                                                              global temperature. For water audit-
                                                              ing, I calculated the precise usage of
                                                              water used for my everyday activities
                                                              and gardening. Most of us are oblivi-
                                                              ous to dwindling water bodies such
                                                              as lakes and rivers, and we use far
                                                              more water than is required. In con-
                                                              ducting a water audit for gardening,
                                                              I discovered that drip irrigation is one
                                                              of the most effective ways to water
                                                              plants rather than flooding the lowest
                                                              portion of the plant. Under the guid-
                                                              ance of my teacher, Dr. B Sampath

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