Page 14 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 14

Teacher and student perspectives on  K Rama Rao, School Assistant,
                                                              process. Students' reading abilities
         the Read Campaign Program  Physical Science, ZPHS Chilukur,  and understanding grow as a result
                                   Suryapet District          of the library books they read, and
         G Anitha, School Assistant, Physical  The  covid-19  pandemic  has  af-  the morals of the stories they read
         Science, ZPHS Sundaragiri,  fected the reading and learning abil-  affect their behaviour and attitude
         Karimnagar District       ities of students. When the physical  towards life. Our Library has been
                                   classes began, I noticed that home-  stocked with books contributed by
           "The Reading Campaign Program  based learning hampered students'  NGOs and alumni.
         provides children with a platform to  concentration  levels  and  reading
         develop their reading skills while also  skills  during  the  pandemic.  The
         allowing them to express themselves  Reading Campaign Programme as-
         through  poetry,  stories,  and  sists students in bouncing back with
         speeches. I provide students with 10  revived reading, writing, and com-
         minutes every day in class to read the  munications skills. I give students
         lessons aloud. This everyday reading  short stories, novels, and science-re-
         activity has inspired them to read  lated journals and magazines to get
         newspapers, revise Telugu Poems,  my student on track. We plan not to
         read short stories, and so on before  restrict this programme to 100 days
         going to school. The interesting part  but to continue to ensure our stu-
         is that the students come to us to dis-  dents become fluent readers."
         cuss the stories they read. I have also
         witnessed increased knowledge shar-  P Keerthana, Class VIII, ZPHS
         ing among students, which has aided  Chilukur, Suryapet District  Shaik Hagi Noorani, Hindi teacher,
         peer learning."                                      ZPHS Eturunagaram, Mulugu
                                     "I  have  improved  my  reading  District
         K Manvitha, Class VI, ZPHS  skills in all three languages. Reading  We effectively use the library pe-
         Sundaragiri, Karimnagar District  physics  textbooks  and  Telugu  riod for activities like picture book
                                   Padyalu has become more appealing  reading, rhyme reading, storytelling,
           "Every day, I feel excited to come to  to me."     role-playing, and book reviewing.
         school because I get the opportunity                 Before starting this programme, I
         to read a variety of books in the Li-  A Sailaja, HM, Government Girls  observed kids who were unable to
         brary. I lookout for the first few pages  High School, Lakshkar Bazar,  read an even sentence without a gap.
         to get a glimpse of new books and bor-  Hanumakonda.  It worried me. The Reading Cam-
         row it if I find them interesting. Also,              paign  Programme  is  an  effective
         after I finish reading, I discuss the  The  Reading  Campaign  Pro-  strategy for students to re-energize
         book with my teachers and friends."  gramme  should  be  a  continuous  and improve their reading abilities.

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