Page 12 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 12

culties by adopting them for three  the guidelines from the Department
                                                              days to help them read the books in  of School Education and Literacy
                                                              their mother tongue, two days for  under the Ministry of Education,
         programme,  every  teacher,  irre-                   reading English books, and one day  Government of India.
         spective of the subject, spends the                  for books in a third language.  Throughout the weeklong cele-
         first 15 minutes of the class on a                     Alongside reading, students sit  brations,  government  schools
         reading activity. The teacher selects                together and make library cards, a  across  Telangana  state  imple-
         one  or  two  paragraphs  from  the                  collection of newspaper clippings,  mented various activities to sensi-
         textbook,  reads  the  text  aloud,                  puzzles from newspapers and chil-  tize students to the importance of
         writes down the keywords on the                      dren's magazines, and cuttings from  libraries and their contribution to
         blackboard, and explains the mean-                   old textbooks and storybooks stuck  students' knowledge. The event wit-
         ing and usage in a sentence. The stu-                on cardboard pieces. These library  nessed a display of library books,
         dents then conduct a group reading                   cards are put on display inside the  preparation of library cards, and
         of the selected paragraph, and the  classes 6 to 10 participated in the  classrooms.   competitions  in  essay  writing,
         15-minute reading period concludes  story writing competition. The top  In addition, every week, the li-  painting, and elocution. The event
         with individual reading.  twenty stories from each district  brary committee members display  concluded with the observation of
          The teachers also encourage stu-  were selected for publication in col-       International  Mother  Language
         dents to develop their writing skills  laboration with Telangana Sahitya       Day on February 21.
         alongside  nourishing  their  oral  Academy.
         skills. The language teachers help                                             Outcome
         students read and recite poems and  Significance of Library
                                                                                          As a result of the successful exe-
                                     The library period is crucial in                   cution of the programme, students
                                   this  programme.  The  schools                       in government schools are showing
                                   strengthen their libraries with ef-                  a keen interest in reading books
                                   fective learning materials, story-                   during library hours, which in turn
                                   books,  autobiographies,  subject  the  list  of  fluent  readers  on  the  is improving class attendance. Stu-
                                   books, newspapers, etc. Class-wise,  classroom wall to pique students'  dents are accustomed to attending
                                   library committees are formed that  interest and motivate them to make  events like book fairs, and the cul-
                                   comprise five students responsible  it onto the list.  ture of gifting books to peers on
                                   for maintaining the register and al-  The library period helps students  special occasions is becoming pop-
                                   location of books. All students are  get equipped with diverse knowl-  ular.
         write essays on one-word prompts  involved in making proposals for  edge and inculcates a sense of unity  The  teachers  are  dubbing  the
         as a daily activity.      books to purchase and contributing  and coordination among them. This  programme 'need of the hour' as it
          To promote reading among stu-  ideas for carrying out the library pe-  activity keeps students active and  encourages them to be self-moti-
         dents, the schools also hold compe-  riod. The library teacher takes re-  enthused to learn more.    vated. Furthermore, parents, the
         titions every Saturday. The compe-  sponsibility for the segregation of  As part of learning about the sig-  local community, and non-govern-
         titions include storytelling, poem  books based on students' reading  nificance of libraries, the schools  mental organizations (NGOs) col-
         reading, role-playing, and reading  ability. The books are re-shelved to  conducted library celebrations from  laborate with schools to improve
         aloud. In role-playing, students read  ensure that students read a diverse  February 14 to February 21, as per  library resources.
         a story thoroughly, assume the role  range of literature rather than stick-
         of the characters in the story and  ing to one genre. The library period
         deliver the dialogues accordingly.  is well-organized with role-playing
         This  fun  and  motivating  activity  activities,  reading  aloud,  discus-
         helps  students  understand  the  sions on books, and book reviews.
         story's theme, broadens communi-  During the library period, stu-
         cation and language skills and de-  dents who can comprehend books
         velops imagination and creativity.   alone read independently, students
          Furthermore,  creative  writing  with reading gaps sit in pairs and
         competitions  are  conducted  in  those whose reading ability is rela-
         schools which aid in improving the  tively poor sit in groups and read
         students' writing skills while boost-  under the teacher's guidance. The
         ing the power of their imagination.  independent  readers  help  their
         More than five lakh students from  peers overcome their reading diffi-

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