Page 16 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 16

Perceptions of teachers  understanding of how to teach and how
                about the programme:   effective it is to teach subjects in the  "It is an excellent initiative
                                  form of a tale through storytelling and  by the Telangana
               "In the beginning, teachers  teaching sessions. I take this chance as a  government. I can read
               were uncomfortable and
              were hesitant to speak in  mentor to assist other teachers and  English and can write a grammatically
       English. They lacked confidence and  further develop my English-speaking  correct paragraph but am hesitant to
                                                              converse in English with others. This
       were embarrassed to converse in English  -M Swapna, Primary School Dasarpally,  programme provided me with an
       in front of fluent English speakers. This  Mahabubnagar District  opportunity to overcome my fear of
       programme challenged teachers to                       speaking English. My sincere efforts
       overcome their anxiety about speaking  "My first day of the course  however yielded positive results."
       the language and do their best. As a  will always be remembered.  - Kalidas Mondal, school assistant & HM,
       mentor, I encouraged the teachers to  As a Telugu language  Social Studies, GHS Nazrulnagar.
       participate in all activities and offered  teacher, I was one of the  Kumarambheem-Asifabad District.
       advice on how they can develop their  few participants who could barely speak
       English communication skills. The  grammatically correct English. As I  "The face-to-face training sessions were
       teachers eagerly volunteered to  entered the room, my anxiety level  interactive. Currently, I
       participate in storytelling, plays, and  increased, and I concluded that learning  am attending the online
       role-playing activities which made the  English was impossible for me. But the  training. The webinars are
       workshop fun and interactive".  mentors were warm and supportive  informative, and the
          -S Jyothi, Secondary Grade Teacher,   from the start. My interactions with the  activities are engaging. The
               GPS Subedari, Hanmakonda
                                  mentors and the training helped me  entire programme will be more effective
                                  overcome my nervousness and gave me  if deadlines are set for completing each
                The programme is
               excellent. Teachers are  the confidence to believe that I may be  task which would help in time
                                  an excellent English speaker one day. My
               overcoming their fear of  mistakes were patiently addressed,  - G Umadevi, GHM, ZPHS Velvarthy,
               English and are
       communicating in the language. The  which helped me learn from them.   YadadriBhuvanagiri.
                                          - T Sukanya, Telugu teacher,
       course taught the teachers that any  GPS, Sabjimandi, Hyderabad.
       language can easily be learned with
       practice. During the first two days of the  "My mother tongue is
       training, the teachers made several  Urdu. I feel privileged for
       mistakes while communicating in     this learning opportunity.
       English. However, we reminded them  Despite the difficulty, I am
       that learning a language requires  making the most of this programme and
       constant practice."        am eager to improve my English
         -U Shirisha, Secondary Grade Teacher,  language skills."
           UPS Kunchanpally, Nirmal District.
                                       -S Parveen, Mathematics Teacher,
                                           GPS Majeedia, Hyderabad.
                I took part in all of the
               activities and developed a  "The programme is very
               strong desire to learn
               English. Learning English  good. The encouragement I
                                           got helped me overcome
       was difficult for me at first because I  my hesitation and converse
       completed my schooling and higher  confidently in English. As a mentor, I
       education in the Telugu medium, but my  assist my mentees with the utmost
       communication skills have improved as a  attention and help them to get the most
       result of my continued practice. As a  out of the training. The face-to-face
       former mentee, I am aware of the  training sessions were lively and
       problems that the participants  interesting."
       encounter while learning English, and I  - MD Jahangeer, SGT, Government
       prepare them to overcome these     Primary School, Shivajinagar,
       obstacles. Teachers have gained a better
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