Page 11 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 11

Read Campaign Programme:

                         A Trip Back to the Libraries

                he  21st  century  de-  gramme took shape in collaboration
                mands the mind of new  with the State Council of Education
                ideas, creativity, critical  Research and Training, Telangana,
                thinking, good vocabu-  Save the Children, Room to Read,
        Tlary,  knowledge  about   and United Nations International
        diverse fields, and communication  Children's   Emergency   Fund
        skills in students. Inculcation of the  (UNICEF).
        once-lost reading habit will enhance  Before taking the programme to
        students' reading abilities, improve  schools, the state core team consti-
        their academic performance and in-  tuted  SRGs,  Samagra  Shiksha,
        troduce students to diverse topics  SCERT  resource  persons,  and
        outside the classroom. For this, es-  NGOs. Based on students' reading
        tablishing  a  school  library  and  ability and in coherence with the in-  plement the programme smoothly.  parents, and supporting schools for
        scheduling a library period into the  structions from the Department of          effective execution.
        regular timetable is crucial besides  School Education and Literacy un-  Monitoring Mechanism  To ensure smooth learning while
        several reading strategies. Keeping  der the Ministry of Education, the          also carefully gauging and improving
        in mind the necessity of allowing  state circulated the guidelines to  The monitoring teams with core  each student's reading ability, the
        students  to  get  acquainted  with  schools.         team members and department offi-  schools divide the total number of
        reading  and  mitigate  the  gaps  in  The  'Reading  Campaign  Pro-  cials reach out to every school on a  students in each class into groups
        reading  and  writing  caused  by  gramme' objective is to allow stu-  monthly basis with a predetermined  based on their reading capacities.
        home-based  learning  during  the  dents to Read, Enjoy, and Develop.  monitoring format to keep track of  This encourages peer learning as the
        pandemic, the government of Telan-  The campaign is witnessing active  the  programme  implementation  group of students who can read flu-
        gana kicked off the 100-day Reading  participation  from  students  in  and get feedback from the students  ently helps to improve the reading
        Campaign Programme on February  Telangana  State  Government  and teachers. The monitoring for-  skills  of  the  other  groups  whose
        5, 2022, by adhering to the guide-  Schools under the guidance of teach-  mat  includes  observing  students  reading ability is relatively poor.
        lines rolled out by the Department  ers and the supervision of school  reading ability, implementing read-
        of School Education and Literacy  heads. The core teams at the state,  ing strategies in the regular teach-  Reading Strategies in the Classroom
        under the Ministry of Education,  district, and mandal levels extend  ing-learning process and library pe-
        Government  of  India.  The  pro-  their support for the schools to im-  riod, interacting with teachers and  As part of the reading campaign

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