Page 8 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 8

Learning by Doing: Rashtriya Avishkar

         Saptah Encourages Experimental Learning

           of Science, Mathematics, and Technology

             cience, Technology, and In-  move students away from rote learn-  and judicious usage of water in con-  made a list of all the activities they
             novation  have  risen  to  ing and memorizing. It helps build  nection with Jal Shakti Abhiyan, and  use water for, from when they wake
             prominence as the major  conceptual understanding and skills  considering the importance of reduc-  up to when they sleep. They calcu-
             driving forces of global de-  through guided practice, reflection,  ing carbon emissions.  lated the amount of water used and
       Svelopment.  To  make  the  observation, and evaluation.    The state of Telangana's RAS 2021  wasted  for  domestic  purposes  in
       learning of Science and Mathematics  While accepting the importance of  was  conducted  from  February  23,  litres.  Cups,  mugs,  and  buckets  at
       a joyful and meaningful activity, to  schools and classroom interactions,  2022,  to  March  07,  2022.  SCERT  home were used to fill the water for
       foster a spirit of inquiry and creativ-  RAA attempts to enable students to  oversaw the activities throughout the  precise observation. They noted the
       ity, and to put a focus on innovation  get inspired and involved in Science,  programme. DEOs, Sectoral Officers,  observations and came up with water
       and the use of technology, the Min-  Mathematics, and Technology (SMT)  Headmasters, and teachers collec-  abatement methods.
       istry of Education (MoE), Govern-  in non-classroom settings through  tively worked to support students.
       ment of India, has set up Rashtriya  experimental learning. The objec-  Students of classes 6 to 12 represent-
       Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA). This pro-  tives of RAA include motivating stu-  ing three to five schools from each
       gramme intends to generate enthu-  dents to get involved in SMT through  Mandal carried out the experiments
       siasm and encourage experimenta-  observation, experimentation, infer-  under the supervision of teachers,
       tion and exploration among school  ence drawing, model building, rea-  parents, and guardians and uploaded
       students at Upper Primary, Second-  soning, testability, etc., creating cu-  their findings in a Google form pro-
       ary, and Higher Secondary stages to  riosity  among  students  in  SMT,  vided.
       become motivated and get engaged  promoting inquiry-based learning in
       in Science experiments.    schools, achieving learning levels in  The following are the activities car-
        The  National  Education  Policy  Science and Mathematics suitable to  ried out by the students for Water Au-
       (NEP) 2020 emphasizes 'experimen-  the class of study and encouraging  diting  and  Calculation  of  Carbon
       tal learning', which is learning by do-  schools to be incubators of innova-  Footprint.
       ing through experiments and activi-  tion.
       ties. Students take control of their  The theme of Rashtriya Avishkar  Activity 1:
       activities,  thought  processes,  and  Saptah 2021is "Water Auditing and  Water Audit for Household Purposes
       emotional responses through exper-  Calculation of Carbon Footprint," in
       imental learning. It has become an  recognition  of  the  Hon'ble  Prime  This activity sensitized students
       important component of all creative  Minister's  emphasis  on  the  para-  on the optimal use of water for their
       pedagogical techniques as it aims to  mount importance of conservation  everyday  activities.  The  students

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