Page 3 - EDU-March April 2022
P. 3


                                   Government School           Jawaharlal Nehru Science

                                   Teachers Bag Silver         Mathematics and Environment
                                   at the 2nd Indian           Exhibition 2020, 2021

                                   Science Techno

                                   Festival 2022
                                                PG 3                                 PG 5

                               Learning by Doing:                Read Campaign
                               Rashtriya Avishkar                Programme:

                               Saptah Encourages                 A Trip Back to the
                               Experimental Learning of          Libraries

                               Science, Mathematics,
                               and Technology                                PG 10
                                                   PG 7

                                  English Learning               Science Seminar

                                  Enrichment Course for          for Teachers on
                                  Government School              28 February
                                  Teachers in Telangana          2022

                                                PG 14                     PG 16

                        Editor in Chief   Editorial Board      Sushma Nagaraju      Rukma Prince        Designer
      BOARD            M. Radha Reddy      S. Suresh Babu                           A. Uma Rani      Thokala Mallesh

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